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Merry Christmas! 🎄

Guys, I saw some doubts by the readers in the last chapter. I would like to clear them for now and I hope you understand and take them well.

1. The story is slow-paced-You should not expect the characters to directly jump on the main event.

2. The story is the story of a girl who had faced some serious issues and emtional turbulances throughout her life-You will equally witness the episodes of her trauma and emotional surge along with the healing journey. It is going to have cliché scenes, tears and let me warn you, it's going to be a lot.

3. The story is going to have very slow-updates-It's not something I can control but I try my best to write and upload whenever possible.

This was just to clear the confusions of the readers and if you've any more queries you're always free to bring light upon them. I'll try my best to appease you with my answer.

Note-The major past revelations has ended. The next chapter will begin with the present.

Also, I had an important query. My question is that-

-"the story is exceeding more than the earlier decided chapters. They're going way past 80 chapters so I wanted to ask if I should continue the story in the second part?"

Leave your feedbacks here:-

▪︎If yes, then, comment here.

▪︎If no, then, comment here.

It's important. So, do not ignore.


|I know what it is like to hold the end of the frail thread of our fate

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|I know what it is like to hold the end of the frail thread of our fate. The fear of breaking faith and the chances of retracting hope, both gifts me sleepless nights|

by medicallymessedup

by medicallymessedup

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