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Hello lovelies!!!
How are you all doing?
Yes, I am well too but as usual busy as hell and that'll continue for the next two months as my uni exams have began and that implies I won't be updating regularly. No promises on updates during this time but I'll try my best because I've to keep prioritising my life outside wattpad too. Hope you understand and will wait for the further updates.
Even though I'm tired of pointing it out again and again, the situation of the reponses from the readers is quite dissaponting. I don't get why will you invest your time in reading the story and not even give an appreciating feedback to the writer. I don't know what do you guys might say about this but seriously it hurts because I do feel not so great sometimes.
Anyways, I hope you all enjoy reading the chapter ahead.


|Love is like a potter's wish

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|Love is like a potter's wish.
Nobody but he knows how to mould and when to break|

by medicallymessedup

by medicallymessedup

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In an hour of emergency, Ruchi was hastily admitted into the ICU and after running a few tests on urgent basis, she was taken for an impromptu surgery which required skills for a critical conduct at the moment even for the doctors in watch of the patient's young age and hardly respiring state.

The team of special neurologists walked out after a tiring surgery that went on for seven hours and was immediately summoned by a distorted Sujal and Kartik who's sobs cracked through the inanimate corridors of the hospital's waiting lounge. The parlous sight seemed almost succumbing to the calamity bestowed upon them.

They were informed that Ruchi had a concussion from a hit in the head that led to a severe brain hemorrhage and had to be operated on, which would not have been avoided and they were asked to wait until the patient gains consciousness and be observed for any hidden damage or success of the surgery.

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