Chapter-20 {Edited}

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|The temptations that promise forever are scary because sometimes even the powerful vows ashen to become a myth|

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|The temptations that promise forever are scary because sometimes even the powerful vows ashen to become a myth|

by medicallymessedup

by medicallymessedup

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{•when she sleeps on his promise•}

The wind chimes hanging on the window ceiling giggled like a new-born infant along with the exhilarating noise produced by the running stream nearby. The melody of peace in the air soothed down the two lovers having the best time of their lives without any inhibitions of the future or regrets from the past while their present swayed in happiness.

A feathery caresse of his lips on her forehead cradled her out of the slumber with the much-needed affection, compensating for its deprivation in the past. Her eyes fluttered open like she was eager to see the outer world for the first time but it shook in absolute shock after finding him still beside her.

"You did not leave me?" Her voice emerged out in disbelief, "Why are you still with me?" Her questions were laced in a dilemma.

"I did not come to leave you so easily, my love." His words answered and reassured the flooding mistrust in her onyx orbs, "My little world exists somewhere in-between your universe."

Her heart swooped in elation while her eyes glistened with tears because the overwhelming agony had the power to dissolve her budding happiness. He was giving her some serious hopes which none else in her life did and even if it filled her with newfound ecstasy yet it also brought untackled fears with a greater force.

"Don't give me hope for you just like others will leave my hand at the crossroads. I have never complained about it to anyone because I knew they didn't owe me anything but I don't want you to do the same to me because it will immensely hurt me." She croaked, "You'll abandon me after you feel I'm of no more use."

His eyes mirrored an unfathomable ache that spoke volumes about his pure feelings but the scars of her past were gnawing at their beautiful present and at the vision of a surreal future. Amidst the pang in his chest, he knew she needed him not due to her selfishness but for the sake of her sanity. The old wounds that she wore with confidence now were still painful and terrorizing for her just like they were in the past except that she had learnt to live with them. Therefore, he wasn't going to prickle them but appease the scorch of her bruises.

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