Chapter-26 {Edited}

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|A glance here and there, a smile ear to ear and a feel of your presence everywhere|

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|A glance here and there, a smile ear to ear and a feel of your presence everywhere|

by medicallymessedup

by medicallymessedup

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Aryan never wanted to be the cause of tears in Ruchi's eyes but he needed her to know that there was no going back.

They were married. Period.

He wanted her to believe in him and their relationship. Maybe, even lend him a chance to prove that he is her perfect match. They complement each other like no other and even though their pairing was an extempore, they shared the most pious and significant bond of love. Their past was not going to change and their present would not be functioning if they continue mourning.

They made mistakes but it's never too late to start from square one.

Aryan sighed as he was able to hear her ailing respiration. If she trembles at this rate each time he brings up their future then it's definitely going to be hard for both of them. He needed to discover better ways to establish their communication.

He inhaled a sharp breath in order to supervise his brooding anger and then gently wiped away the line of moisture threatening to escape her sclera. He didn't know what occurred in the last few years but somehow it had majorly altered the fearless girl he left behind.

"I won't force you but I don't want you to forget our truth either, Mrs. Mallik." Aryan's gaze didn't waver away while Ruchi looked down at her lap with remorse for she lacked words to go against him. Her love for him couldn't defy the arguments whereas her torn disposition couldn't absorb his retribution. She was dangling on a rope that held the door of her peace but an uncouth pull from the other end was eager to sabotage her vibrant dreams. Meanwhile, Aryan removed the food crumbs sticking around her mouth and zoned out her focus on him by his words, "Now, quickly finish your meal without messing up your face." He urged, pointing at the refilled plate.

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