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Sorry for being MIA but it's inevitable guys, I am facing a major deadend and a writer's block for sometime now. The story is embedded in my head but putting it into words is impossible for me at the moment. Also, I don't just want to write anything for the sake of writing. You'll might've have to wait for sometime as I'm trying my best to find the flow back. Hopefully, it will be over soon.

This is a gift for the auspicious day today!

Jai Shree Ram🚩🙏🏻


|She'd cherish the emotions, she made with you

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|She'd cherish the emotions, she made with you. Leap for the love, you bestow upon her|

by medicallymessedup

by medicallymessedup

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I glared at Samiksha who was chewing on my borrowed pencil if it was a lollipop candy meant for her to suck upon like a baby. Her left sat Chhaya who was trying to decipher some text message on her phone since forever, at right Bhavesh who was busy trying to flirt with a fellow girl with silver braces. Sarah and Vivek were dwindling their palms occupied playing red hands while blaming each other for their collective poor performance in a class test.

Everyone in the classroom was busy doing every other shit that wasn't known to be civil. Over the years, I couldn't put up a finger to point out if I was attending school or college because be it my friends or every other student I came across until now still behaved like nursery tots.

Their deeds were just altered from crying for their mothers to wanting their boyfriend or girlfriend who demanded for their undivided attention or else bang! The person's relationship status would be changed to 'broken up' or 'heartbroken' which I thought was foolish.

My friends and I myself were a classic example of the clause that read, 'Good and bad habits are available to make a difference between living in heaven and hell'. That for me meant, all of us unproductive and sin committing people were going to reside in hell because we have clearly sought ourselves the darker side of practicing our share of karma. Precisely, we were criminals that weren't caught as of now.

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