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|Will it end so soon? Like a spring passing before the time|

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|Will it end so soon? Like a spring passing before the time|

by medicallymessedup

by medicallymessedup

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"You'll return back.." to me?

I asked him and Aryan nodded eagerly in response.

"I would.." His mere words soar up the expectations of my heart somewhere high in the sky. I feel complete in some mysterious way. His assurance was like an ointment to the heart that was used to waiting, "But, I am quite busy tonight."

He didn't promise me words but I still chose to wait for him. Just like I would always do without any hope from him but today there was this flame I had weaved in me. I was more than convinced that he'd return back to me and for me.

We both completed his two-week pending assignment in three hours sitting in the library together. We missed our lunch as our mutual presence erased the hunger of our stomach and satiated the appetite of heart. The silent instructions outside the library didn't cease our laughter and fights as we argued to lengths about the right words and giggled at our silly mistakes. His dimpled smiles healed the wounds I didn't know existed until now. When the clock finally betrayed our happy time by striking the reminder for him to leave me behind.

While I sat in the library waiting for him in the hope of his return and know about his progress with the assignment but I got none. Neither the updates of his whereabouts nor any signs for him to return until the clock struck half past six, once again, and it was my timer to leave as the library had to be closed.

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