Chapter-7 {Edited}

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|Love and hate are the two sides of the same coin

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|Love and hate are the two sides of the same coin. The more you try, the harder it gets to pick any one|

by medicallymessedup

by medicallymessedup

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Sammy was playing loud blaring music which didn't make an ounce of sense to me because neither she nor I was well-versed in understanding pure Punjabi. We had grown up in Delhi and had bare minimum influence of our native on us. But, I could never simplify Samiksha. She functioned upon her unreliable mood, like right now she played driver for me and Vivek by making us sit in the backseat.

Vivek was busy solving one of his problems in organic chemistry while I tried to find some peace amidst the chaos. A hypnotizing pair of eyes clouding my mind with bursts of untamed emotions I refused to name, afraid of the outcomes. It would get devastating if I let my unchained emotions unfurl in front of anyone especially when it had no future.

My future was methodically choreographed with Aakash as my ceramist. My family and even Sammy seemed happy with the declaration of engagement assuring me that I was heading into the right direction. The life ahead appears good if I don't let my selfishness hinder its optimism.

The car came to an abrupt halt pushing us in the front while the miscreant cheered in exuberance. Does her body burns uranium and thorium to release nuclear energy? Why did you make her a human, God? Because she's an ape kinda specimen!

"I want an ice-cream." She told to no one in particular unlocking the car, "Baby won't eat and Vivi I won't buy for you so I'll just go and bring a pistachio bowl for myself." She left.

How courteous, Sammy!

"What occupied you, Mademoiselle?" Vivek questioned shutting his notebook and facing me.

I clicked my tongue and asked about the long-term bugging query instead, "What's up with you and Sarah, Vivi?"

He was surprised but quickly masked it with inferiority which didn't go unnoticed by me.

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