Chapter-19 {Edited}

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|Her fruitless aims for the bitter vines were dodged by the grace of almighty for the sake of his ripe love patiently waiting to be devoured|

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|Her fruitless aims for the bitter vines were dodged by the grace of almighty for the sake of his ripe love patiently waiting to be devoured|

by medicallymessedup

by medicallymessedup

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Maple trees are rare to locate in the countries' capital but amidst all the negative responses from the fellow gardeners upon growing it, there was a humongous beast of a maple tree in the backyard of Batra household. It was planted by Ruchi and Kartik when they were just three and nine years old respectively under their Baba's assistance who told them that the growth of this tree would depend on their care, love and dedication, and that it would grow up just like them. It would shed its old, yellow, crinkled leaves during unpleasant autumn in order to survive harsh winters just like they as humans were used to discarding old clothes in the lure to purchase new ones. It would blossom like a full-moon during the spring and swing like a carefree-kid on hot evenings. It would be capable of feeling the happiness and pain too but it still was in a better space than her.

[Baba - An Indian endearment used to address father and grandfather.]

Ruchi's impassive eyes observed the single senile leaf on a branch of the same maple tree resisting against the force of the gyrating gale. The resilience to fight its morbid reality was worth a handful of praises. A satirical chuckle left her lips along with a flight of waterworks. Even a crisp maple leaf was braver than her doomed fortitude. She even after being a breathing human was functioning no less than a corpse.

Since her return, her father was acting sweetly with her for the sole purpose of this marriage. His actions towards her were selfish for an unknown motive. Whereas she was running after him blindly overlooking everyone else for a drop of affection from her father. She had hurt the emotions of Mamta, Sujal and Kartik in the middle of pleasing Sunil. She had been the reason for their mortification. She had pushed them away. They who had always been by her side, they who supported her through thick and thin, they who loved her without putting her through any trials. Did they deserve her bitterness for all their selfless undertakings?

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