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Things will come clear in the upcming chapters. For now, go with the flow of the story. These angsty chapters are going to shape the story ahead.

The transformation of Ruchi's character will happen slowly after here. This is a major breakthrough for her beautiful journey ahead.

I'll try to give frequent updates if not more but please readers do show some engagement from your side as well. This radio silence from your end makes things monotonous and hard for me to continue.

I hope you guys understand my rant.

Now, enjoy the chapter!


|Ruin me slowly and force me to believe that there is a fault in the stars|

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|Ruin me slowly and force me to believe that there is a fault in the stars|

by medicallymessedup

by medicallymessedup

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Ruchi didn't know when they reached the mansion. It was still dark outside, the cold wave along with the fog ruling the sky over the capital in the early months of the year. It didn't take long for anyone to pretend caustic after watching Aryan with another woman.

When they're busy ruining their night for his sake, he was busy dwindling his ways with Geetika, 'his so called friend' in the middle of the night outside some dingy hotel on the outskirts of the city. Ruchi should've believed him when he said that he was busy tonight because he really was busy tonight with her. She shouldn't have expected things from him knowing their reality.

Her mother-in-law had covered her shivering frame with a shawl that surely kept her body warm but her soul, it was arctic cold. She was high on notions and flighting with jouissance without focusing on the brakes of authenticity so she was obvious to taste the medicine of tragedy.

Soham Mallik had a hard time controlling his anger which was churning like a lava. If not for his wife and his daughter-in-law with him, he might have taught a lesson to Aryan on the road itself. In the middle of night, when they're insanely searching for him, dead worried for his well-being. He was laughing and smiling with a girl leaving his wife behind. How could his son, Aryan stoop so low? He wondered.

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