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|If only my trust was limited to the time on your watch, then perhaps today you would not have forgotten my importance in your life|

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|If only my trust was limited to the time on your watch, then perhaps today you would not have forgotten my importance in your life|

by medicallymessedup

by medicallymessedup

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Samiksha and Vivek dejectedly looked at the stairs for there had been no noticeable signs dropped by Ruchi that sent them any hint of her stepping out of the room. For them it was like she was reconstructing herself with the new normal in her life by cutting off any and every interaction with the outer world. They were beside her throughout this tough time but much against their bewilderment she hadn't mourned upon her reality like the way they expected her to.

It was a huge shocker for them when they witnessed her implicit refusal to have a conversation about her father. The man for whom she was explicitly maiming her life had suddenly wiped out from the face of her existence as if their severed bond wasn't the last thing she was holding on to sail the boat of her livelihood.

She wasn't even lamenting through the medium of her tears and was alarmingly silent as if another calamitous tyranny had hit her.

"Should we take her out somewhere?" Vivek suggested, "We might be able to divert her mind along with the rest." He was optimistic to help the latter cope up with the happenings.

"Not possible." Samiksha declined his offer, "Ruchi isn't ready for it yet." She replied with a straight face, "She might get more distant from us if we pushed her limits. She needs ample time to finally come into terms with reality and we should respectfully give it to her." She unknowingly mumbled the last part a little louder, "Besides, I don't want a repeat from my previous mistakes."

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