Bonus: John Jones

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I decided to make this chapter after SinX6 discovered that Agent Jonesy, otherwise known as John Jones, appeared in an episode of Carmen Sandiego, a Netflix show. He appears in Season 2, Episode 9, which was released around the time of The End event, so that's when it's set. It is currently unclear whether this appearance is just an easter egg or storyline related, but I personally think that it could be hinting at Carmen Sandiego being our next bounty hunter. Anyway, enough waffling, just read! >:3

John Jones put his hands through in his blonde hair. His eyes had big grey bags under them, for he hadn't slept last night. Files labelled Zero Point and The Seven were strewn across his desk and his coffee had been spilled all over the floor.
The Seven was all he could think about at the moment.
"What the Seven of us are attempting is... very risky. I suspect They are not the only ones watching, but it must be done, or we will lose the Bridge forever." The Visitor said in his robotic voice once more.
John Jones sighed. No matter how many times he listened to the tape, it didn't make any more sense. He imagined a future where he understood The Visitor and his colleagues, The Paradigm and The Scientist, plus whoever else was in The Seven.
"I suspect that no-one calculated the formation of the island. That inter-dimensional matter collisions would resolve, rather than push. Now that I witness it first-hand, it is obvious that Pinching alone made it inevitable." The Visitor continued in the second tape.
John Jones couldn't help but notice that this one seemed more recent than the previous ones. Perhaps the previous one was voiced around the time of The Visitor's Rocket launch back in June 2018. Or, maybe he was just going nuts.
​​​​​​"When I hear this, again, will it help me remember? Or once Looped will-" The Visitor began, but John Jones cut him off.
"JANICE!" John Jones yelled with a certain edge that he didn't mean to add.
Janice appeared by his side in a matter of seconds, almost out of breath. She had a coffee in one hand and a file named Botswana in the other.
"Janice, I asked for a coffee ten minutes ago. You know how much I need them nowerdays," John Jones groaned.
"Yes, I know. I went to your office, but you weren't there. I looked all over, but I didn't find you before your coffee got cold. What are you doing here, anyway?" Janice said between breaths.
"Just listening to those tapes again. The air-con in my office is busted, so I decided to come here. There's no harm in doing that, is there? Thanks for the coffee, by the way."
John Jones took a sip of the coffee, which was at a mediocre heat. He put it on his desk and tried to forget about it.
"Well, no. It's completely fine. Oh, there's something I think you should see."
Janice handed him the Botswana file and John Jones looked at it suspiciously.
"Botswana?" John Jones wondered.
"Apparently, the police are about to act on an illegal diamond mining area. But those diamonds don't look like any diamonds I've seen. Aren't they those-"
"Rift Crystals! Why would they need Rift Crystals?"
"Well, the only reason they'd need them is to farm Zero Point energy. Perhaps they are trying to break someone out of the Loop."
"Who asked about it?"
"This guy who calls himself Roundabout."
"No time to explain. He wants to call you about it now."
As if on cue, the phone started to ring. John Jones gestured to Janice to go, which she did. He picked up the phone and asked who was there.
"You don't need to know that. I know, who you are, though, Agent Jonesy," Roundabout said.
"Right... Anyway, you asked to hear about the Botswana thing," John Jones shook his head.
"That's correct."
"Well, I've just discovered a pending police action on an illegal-"
John Jones paused. Should he mention that the diamonds weren't really diamonds? No. That was IO's responsibility. Why did someone named after a piece of playground equipment need to know about the Loop?
"Jones. I'm waiting."
"-an illegal diamond mining operation."
"Good work, Jonesy! It's a wonderful day when the global friends of British intelligence prevail over evil."
"It is, isn't it. Hello?"
But Roundabout was already gone.
Janice peeked around the corner at John Jones. John Jones shrugged at her, then took a sip of his mediocre-heat coffee.


Word Count: 800

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