Chapter 15: In And Out

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"Good morning!" Skye cheered, shaking Ollie awake.
"BRUH," Ollie yawned. He was not happy Skye had just shaken him awake.
"Time for breakfast!" Jules added.
Ohm flew over to Jules and hopped on her shoulder.
"You wanna come?" Jules asked.
Ohm rubbed his head affectionately against Jules.
"I ought to brush my hair... It's super messy," Skye sighed.
"I have spare brushes. Here have one of mine."
"No problem!"
Jules took out her braids, and Skye gasped.
"Woah...! You look so different!" Skye gasped.
"Do I?"
Jules giggled then proceeded to do her morning routine. Once everyone was ready, they walked into the elevator and waited for it to go to the main floor.
Skye saw TnTina sat with Brutus and Joe waving at her. She waved back, then ran over, dragging Jules behind her.
"Hey, Skye!" TnTina said, hugging Skye.
"Hai!" Skye replied.
Jules waved awkwardly at everyone.
"Oh! Everyone, this is Jules!" Skye introduced Jules.
"Hello everyone...!" Jules greeted.
"Y'know, who exactly is Jules? I saw she was at The Shark yesterday," TnTina asked.
"Well, I've been working here for about 6 years, but I've been working in my current department for 3 years. You see, I'm an undercover agent that works in Steamy Stacks. To the Shadow agents, I'm one of them."
"And how come I haven't heard of you until now?"
"Well... Midas says as an undercover agent, the less people I speak to in Ghost, the less people know my true identity. About that, don't go blabbing to everyone about me."
"We won't."
Skye and Jules sat down, but after only minutes, Jules stood up again.
"You know what, Skye? I think I'm gonna get my food for on the go. I'll prepare the Choppa, don't worry about me," Jules explained.
"OK. Bye!" Skye said.
Jules turned around and walked off to get her food.
"I don't trust that Jules woman," TnTina instantly said to Skye once Jules was out of earshot.
Brutus looked shocked and almost choked on his toast.
"What?! Why?" Skye shouted.
"Skye, we've been in Ghost for 3 years now and we haven't heard of Jules once until just this week."
"She's an undercover agent! It's what she does!"
"Also, I've noticed how you've been spending a lot more time with Midas and Jules than with us. Why do you not have time for us anymore?"
"I do have time for you! I've been doing top secret stuff!"
"What stuff?!"
"I can't tell you, it's top secret!"
"Yeah OK. And at The Shark you went straight with them instead of checking on us."
"It was urgent! That thing was dangerous!"
"Of course it was. What was that thing, anyway?"
"It's top secret."
"Great! Everything's top secret with you!"
"Tina, what are you saying?!"
"I'm saying that if you're gonna keep loads of secrets from me after I've told you all of mine, then we shouldn't be friends anymore!"
"Now, girls, that's enough!" Brutus said.
"Not now, Brutus!" Skye and TnTina chorused.
"Hey, you copied me!" TnTina scowled.
"No I didn't!" Skye shouted.
"Yes, you did!"
"I didn't!"
"You did!"
"I SAID, ENOUGH!" Brutus shouted at the top of his lungs, banging his fist on the table.
The whole dining hall went quiet and everybody looked at Skye and TnTina. Skye shook her head and left the room. Jules, seeing her, went after her.
"What happened?" Jules sighed.
"Me and Tina aren't friends anymore," Skye sobbed.
"She thinks I don't spend time with her anymore. I know I haven't been spending as much time with them as usual, but it's been because of the dreams and Oro! It's been important!"
Ollie suddenly arrived out of nowhere. He had an arm full of muffins and he was eating them one by one.
"Hi guys! What's up? Oh, Skye! What happened?" he said with a mouthful of muffin.
"Me and Tina had an argument. I don't think we're friends anymore."
"O-Oh... Give her some time to cool down and we can repair your friendship in a day or two, can't we, Jules?"
Jules nodded approvingly. Ollie looked at Skye and smiled.
"Well? What are we waiting for? Let's go the mission already!" Jules giggled.
The three of them ran to the Choppa and realised it wasn't packed.
"Oh... It's not been prepared," Skye sighed.
"Don't worry, we can do it now!" Jules said.
Everyone ran back inside to get stuff that they thought would be important. When Jules arrived, she was wearing a special black pair of dungarees with the Shadow logo on them and a black mack with a skull on it. Two eyeholes had been cut out so she could see where she was going.
"So... Jules... How exactly are we gonna do this?" Ollie asked.
"Oh, I have a plan. Basically, I'm going to handcuff you and pretend I've captured you. Then, I'll insist on taking you to the prison area beneath the ground myself. I'll then take you to the parts and service room, I'll remove the handcuffs and you help me get the parts. Then we have to get back to the Choppa through the outside to avoid being seen. You two hide once we're inside. Then we make a not-too-obvious getaway. Sound good?" Jules explained.
"Yeah," Skye and Ollie nodded.
Jules then cuffed them and hopped in the pilot seat.
"Try not to fall out because, you know, you've been handcuffed," Jules said.
Skye and Ollie nodded approvingly.
The three of them eventually reached Steamy Stacks and hopped out. Jules then aggressively pushed Skye and Ollie inside.
"Agent Jules! Who are these two?" a henchman said at the entrance.
"I found these two lurking around at Frenzy Farms. I think they were planning to attack the radio station."
"But who are they?"
"Surely you know who they are? Do I seriously have to spell it out for you?! Ugh, fine. It's the memer and the fluffy thing from Ghost."
"Ooh! With them, we could turn the tide of the faction war!"
"You bet we can."
"Do you want me to get a group of henchmen here to take them to a cell?"
"No. And I don't want any accompanying me, either."
"Really? Those Ghost people ca-"
"I said, I want to go alone. I don't want Chaos Agent thinking I had help. He might promote me if he finds out I captured 2 agents by myself."
"If you say so. See ya."
"See ya."
Jules pushed Skye and Ollie into the main entrance. The receptionist was a male cyborg with grey hair.
"Hey, Jules!" The man said.
"Hi Tek," Jules replied to the man Skye assumed was Tek.
"Where ya goin'?"
"To the dungeons to drop off these two."
"Noice. See ya later, then!"
"See ya."
Jules continued to push Skye and Ollie to the storage room where the parts were kept.
"Are the dungeons this way? Surely Tek knows if you're not taking us there," Ollie asked.
"They aren't, but Tek barely knows how to count to ten. They put him on front desk duty because it was the only thing he was qualified to do," Jules explained.
"Oh OK," Ollie nodded.
When the three of them arrived at the ID scanner, Jules took off her mask and scanned herself.
"Access granted. Welcome, Jules Silver," The computer said in its robotic voice.
Jules removed Skye and Ollie's handcuffs and shut the door. She then hacked the ID scanner to not let anyone in.
"So... Jules, what do we need to get?" Skye said.
"First we need strong copper wire. If we're using power from the storm, it has to be strong. If not, stronger," Jules replied.
"Yessir! ...Where exactly is that...?"
Jules sighed,"You know what? Just guard the door. Skye, here's my Drum Gun. And Ollie, I saw what you did to those metal supports. I think you'll be fine."
Ohm hooted and gestured to Ollie and Skye.
"No, Ohm, you can't help them. If you get spotted, then they'll know I had something to do with them being here. I gotta keep my cover. You can help me, though," Jules explained to Ohm.
Ohm flew off somewhere in the storage area. Jules looked at Skye and Ollie, who nidded. Jules then ran after Ohm.
The next hour was uneventful. Skye and Ollie sat idle while Jules and Ohm searched for parts. That was when they heard something.
It was a subtle banging sound on the door.
"Did you hear that?" Skye mouthed to Ollie.
"Yeah," he replied.
It began to get louder.
"Who's there?" Skye called out.
"Skye! It's me, Tek! You see, I'm not actually Shadow! I'm a Ghost agent working undercover here! It seems you got away from Jules and hid here! It's OK! Just open the door!" Tek yelled.
"You are?!" Jules gasped, appearing out of nowhere.
"Jules! Let them go, or there will be serious consequences!" Tek snarled.
"No, no, no! I'm a Ghost agent too! I'm also here undercover!"
Jules took off her mask and jammed the door open.
"Are you actually Ghost?" Tek asked.
Jules then pulled out her ID.

Name: Jules Silver
Division: Ghost
Squad: Undercover

"So you are," Tek said, pulling out his ID.

Name: Joey Wizard
Nickname: Tek
Division: Ghost
Squad: Undercover

"How come I've never heard of you?" Jules asked.
"We're undercover, it's what we do."
"That's fair."
"Whew! It's so great to know we have someone else on our side!" Skye cheered.
Tek blushed and scratched the back of his head.
"Agent Jules! Agent Tek! We heard banging, so we came right over!" a henchman said.
The four of them turned around and saw a bunch of Shadow henchmen carrying suppressed ARs.
"Do you want me to show you some new tech I've been developing?" Jules said.
"OK," the henchman replied.
"So it works like this. I place these charges around a group of Ghost henchmen..."
Jules placed the charges in a circle around the henchmen.
"...Then I push this button to electrocute all the people in the circle."
Jules pressed the button and electrocuted all the henchmen. It made Skye feel sick looking at the bodies lying on the ground. Their clothes had been fried, revealing some flesh. Some of the henchmen had nasty burns on them.
"I had no idea that was gonna work...!" Jules gasped.
"Run!" Ollie shouted.
Jules zipped up her bag with the parts inside and the four of them ran out the back of the storage room as fast as they could.
They then stepped outside and hid in a large storage box. That was when something caught Skye's eye.
"Guys!" Skye said.
"What?" everyone replied.
"We could use the stacks to escape!"
Everyone turned towards the two huge stone towers.
"Let's move," Jules said.
She ran out, followed by the others. A few henchmen began to fire at them, so they had to get under cover. As Jules and Tek fired at the henchmen, Skye figured it was a good time to tell Midas they were on their way back.
Skye: Midas!
Midas: What is it?
Skye: We're on our way back to The Agency, but we're under fire!
Midas: Do you want me to send backup?
Skye: No, we're good
Midas: Why'd you text me then?
Skye: To say that we might have to leave the Choppa behind
Midas: What?! Do you realise how much one of those things costs?
Skye: Uh oh I'm getting bad reception got to go bye
Skye decided to end the conversation. She didn't really have bad reception.
"Coast's clear," Tek said.
Everyone moved to the stacks and stood in front of the purple water.
"Jump in at 3! 1... 2... 3!"
Skye thought it was like she had sprouted wings. Warm gas blew at her face from below, causing her to fly into the sky. The four of them skydived back to The Agency where Midas and Meowscles were waiting.
"Hello again," Midas said grumpily.
"Midas... Please don't be mad," Jules sighed.
"Why would I be mad?"
"We blew our cover."


Skye Counter: 51 Skyes
Word Count: 2000 words

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