Chapter 10: Oro

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Skye woke up on Ollie, with Midas looking at his phone and Jules running her hand through her hair.
She had done it! She was in the dream! It was a wierd feeling. She knew that she was in a dream, unlike previously when she would wake up and then realise she'd been in one.
Skye noticed that Midas' father was holding the golden staff that Midas was talking about, and it was glowing when he pointed it in a certain direction.
"That way," he said, pointing to the left.
The pilot did as he was told and went left. In the distance, Skye could see a huge mountain.
The ship landed at the foot of the mountain in front of some stone steps.
"OK, we're here. Midas, Jules, Ollie, Skye, don't go anywhere. I'm leaving Gary here with you. Don't. Go. Anywhere," Midas' dad said, before walking out with all the henchmen except for Gary.
"OK, guys! I've been tasked with keeping you safe! While I'm in charge, you'll do what I say!" Gary exclaimed.
Midas and Jules simply stared at him blankly.
"You know, I'm not a child," Ollie said.
"Y-You can talk!" Gary gasped, before walking into a shelf and a plant pot landed on his head and smashed. He was out cold.
Midas looked at his dazed face, then looked at the others.
"Dad has been trying to find this place for months, I think we deserve to know what he was looking for. Jules, stay with me. Ollie, stay with Skye, and don't get too close," Midas explained.
The four of them nodded before walking outside and started walking up the stone steps. Skye was on Ollie's lap.
Eventually, they reached a stone archway to a cave. They walked in and realised that the insides had all been carved out with beautiful patterns and statues.
They continued forward. They guessed that Midas' father was looking for an ancient artifact or a person.
After walking for what felt like hours through the maze of tunnels, they came across a large room that the henchmen and Midas' father were in.
Midas, Jules, Ollie and Skye crouched behind some rocks and saw that they were looking at... a skeleton? Not just any skeleton, a golden skeleton. It had an ancient crown on its head and it was covered in a sort of regal clothing, that had been ripped to threads by time. Skye noticed that the skeleton had a scar on his face where Midas had one in present day.
"Stay down, guys," Midas said to the others.
They watched as the henchmen edged closer towards the skeleton.
Then the skeleton's eyes glowed up. It got to its feet and looked at the henchmen cautiously.
It was brutal.
The skeleton killed all of the henchmen one by one. A pool of blood was forming on the floor. One nervous henchman bolted away, but the skeleton caught up with him and Skye heard a scream in the distance before it came back into the room.
Midas' father stood in the middle of the dead henchmen as the skeleton approached. That's when Midas couldn't take any more.
"Daddy!" he said, running out.
The skeleton teleported behind him and grabbed him.
"Wait!" Midas' father said,"Oro, don't hurt him!"
"Ah, yes, you are the one who stole my staff," Oro, the skeleton, said calmly. His voice was other-worldly and distorted.
"Yes, I know. I'll give it back in trade for my son's life!"
"No, I need something more valuable. I have a soul, I'll trade for a soul. Give me your life in exchange for his."
Midas' father thought for a moment.
"I'll do it."
Oro let go of Midas, who ran out of the room. He didn't want to watch.
Oro pointed at Midas' father, and killed him with a zap of lightning. Midas ran back into the room to his father, hoping there was still life left in him.
"He's dead, kid," Oro said to Midas.
"Why did you do it?!" Midas cried.
"A soul for a soul. It's how magic works. Now, hand me my staff."
"Wait, you tricked him! You could've just had the staff, but you had to kill him for it!"
"You could leave now, it'd make things easier for the both of us."
That was when Jules ran out from behind the rock.
"Midas! Daddy is dead, there is nothing you can do now! We've been through enough, it's time to leave!" Jules sobbed.
"No, not until this pile of bones tells us why he tricked him!"
"So, the hard way then... It's a shame, really."
Oro then pointed at them and made them fall asleep.
That's when Skye realised her 3 year old self had started crying. She tried to get herself to stop, but nothing she did could have effect on the dream.
Oro heard and came over.
"Sleep," he said to Ollie, who keeled over and started sleeping.
He peered down at Skye and looked her in the eyes.
"Well, what do we have here?" Oro started,"Well, I won't harm you, it seems you're too young to even know what's happening. I didn't do anything to your round pink friend, either. However, that boy and that girl won't be the same in the morning. You see, I've cursed them both. The girl I've cursed with intelligence. It can be your friend as well as your worst enemy, so nothing too bad. However, the boy I've cursed with a curse that I had when I was alive. The golden touch. It's exactly what it sounds like. His skin will go pasty white, and he'll have a scar on his eye, where mine is. Except, he can control his powers. I'm not a monster, I'm a god. As for you, I'll make you forget all this. It seems you lost your parents too? Well, let's just say none of that happened. Your memory will be wiped. I guess it's not fair to make you forget it forever... I know! I'll make you remember eventually, when you're ready. And I'll do it in parts. Don't want to rush things, now, do we? And, well, I can see into the future and I can see you'll be on an island working for a spy agency. When I send you this message, I'll teleport to that island, and I'll be waiting. Anyway, enough talking. Sleep."
Oro pressed a finger to Skye's forehead, and she fell asleep.

Skye woke up in her bed. Oro was coming. She shook Ollie awake and looked at him.
"It's time, isn't it?" he said.
"It's time."


Word Count: 1100
Skye Count: 13

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