Chapter 8: The Truth

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Skye and Midas made their way to the Sofdeez at Sweaty Sands. Skye was hoping that Midas would explain why he would need a suit and a big machine and what was going on with the dreams.
When they arrived, they realised they had both left their credit cards behind, so they had no money.
"I can't believe we left our credit cards behind!" Skye sighed.
Midas thought for a moment before gesturing Skye to come with him. Skye followed him outside to the beach.
"Do you like collecting sea shells?" Midas asked Skye.
"Y-Yeah!" Skye replied.
"Go on, then!" Midas nudged Skye.
Skye did it, but she still wasn't sure why Midas wanted her to do it. She came back with a pouch full of sea shells.
"Great. Pass them to me," Midas smiled as Skye passed him the shells.
Midas held them in his hands and fixed his eyes on them. Skye's eyes widened as the sea shells turned to gold before her very eyes.
"And that, Skye, is called exploiting your powers. Come on, let's go get ice cream."

Skye licked her peach ice cream leisurely. Midas got peanut flavor ice cream and was biting it with his teeth.
"How are you biting the ice cream?! It hurts my teeth when I do it!" Skye asked for the 14th time that night.
"Again, I've always been able to do it. It helps get the perfect amount of ice cream in my mouth."
"I can get a perfect size in my mouth too!" Skye huffed, using her lips to get some ice cream but getting too much,"See?"
Midas chuckled to himself.
"Anyway then, I wanted to know... Why did you make a superhero suit and a huge fortune teller orb thingy?" Skye asked Midas.
"Well, as you saw, the suit and the device are connected. The suit didn't work however because it was missing a key component... I sent our strike team, EGO, to go get it, but they all got kidnapped and are currently being transported to one the Shadow bases on the mainland. It put a tracker in their phones so I know where they are. Anyway, the key component is a golden staff belonging to an ancient god called Oro."
Skye recognised the Golden staff as the thing Midas' father used to get rid of the rain and bring sunlight in the dream.
"And what does the staff do, anyway?"
"Well, the staff can control the storm. My father found the staff and was able to control it in the past, but it has since become unstable, and will change the weather randomly. That's what the Cyclo suit and The Device are for. When I climb into the suit and connect it to The Device, I should be able to control the storm once more."
"And why would you want to control the storm?"
"Well... For reasons you wouldn't understand..."
"Don't worry, I might tell you on a later date. Anyway, you obviously came to my room at the dead of night for some reason. What did you want to tell me?"
"OK... Well, I've been having dreams. It's like a story being played out across multiple dreams. What freaks me out is that it doesn't seem made up, it feels like a memory."
"Go on..."
"Well, on the first night, I woke up in my parents house... It was burning. My mother picked me up and passed me through a window before my father grabbed me and began to run. I heard the house blow up... My mother had died. My dad ran through the streets and eventually into the forest surrounding my home and into a cave. He said that he would save me. He put me down to play and I wandered over to some trees. He was then shot, I heard the bullet... I then heard people talking. I rushed over to my dad, and they were gone. And so was he. I cried over his dead body before I turned around and saw Ollie... I climbed on him and I flew away... Then I woke up screaming in bed and Tina came to comfort me. I didn't tell her what happened, I just said I'd had a nightmare," Skye lied. She knew TnTina knew about the dreams.
"And night 2, then?" Midas continued.
"Well, Ollie flew over to a tree. But not just a tree, like, a HUGE tree. There was an older Morphable there who asked where Ollie had been. Ollie showed me to him and told him what happened. Ollie wanted to keep me here, but the old Morphable wouldn't let him. He was willing to let me die... But Ollie was willing to let me live. The old Morphable said Ollie couldn't stay if he wanted to look after me. Ollie said 'Fine then!' and the old Morphable sent me and him to somewhere random in the forest. I could tell Ollie had forgotten what had just happened... Then I woke up and told Ollie about the dreams, since he was in them."
"That's fair. What about night 3, then?"
"Well, Ollie put me down and started to make a base for us. Then there was a time skip if about a month and the base looked really good with supplies and everything..."
"Unfortunately, you, being a typical toddler, did NOT want to eat your food. I remember this bit!" Ollie gasped. Skye and Midas looked upwards at Ollie.
"And then I ran off."
"Yup, that happened."
"I fell down a hill and hurt myself, but Ollie was there to save me. Then we saw people with lab coats running into a spaceship with the Ghost logo on it. Your dad then came out and used... The staff you need for that Device and the superhero suit... And he used it get rid of the rain and bring sunlight. Then... I saw you. You must've been 10 or-"
"11," Midas corrected her.
"I was 11."
"Oh, OK. And you were with someone else called Jules who was about 6. Is she your sister or something?"
"You'd think so, wouldn't you? She's not. She's actually my younger cousin. Her parents died when she was little. I'm not sure how. She ended up living with us and I was very protective of her. She was everything to me."
"Jules... I feel like I've heard her name before..."
"Yup. She made that Charge Shotgun in your room. Jules is currently working on a Charge Shotgun V2 that uses air pressure instead of two bullets."
"Huh. So anyway, you and Jules started playing and came over to where me and Ollie were hiding, so we hid in some bushes. Unfortunately, you saw us and went to look at us. Me and Jules started playing. Then all of a sudden, I wasn't looking out of my eyes anymore. I was looking out of Ollie's. It was almost like the dream wanted me to see your conversation. Well, you and Ollie introduced yourselves and you asked how Ollie found me. Ollie said that Shadow operatives killed my parents, then you told him about Ghost. Then you watched me and Jules play for a while, before asking Ollie if we wanted to come with you. Then we did, and the rest is history."
"And the final part?"
"There's another part."
"No there's not."
"Hmm, maybe you haven't dreamt it up yet. That part should explain some things, like how I got this," Midas said, gesturing to his golden hands.
"Well, do you know when I'll dream it?"
"You'll know. And when you do, I'll be waiting. It's almost 8 o'clock. We better get back before everyone starts worrying about us."
Midas and Skye then finished up their ice creams and started heading back. They climbed into the elevator, before Skye went to her room and Midas went down to his.
Skye lay on her bed, tired from being awake. All of her questions had been answered.
Or had they?


Word Count: 1400
Skye Count: 22

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