Chapter 3: Deadpool

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"Uhh, I think we forgot to discuss plans this morning," Skye said worriedly.
"Pfft, doing the book was way better!" TnTina shouted,"By the way, why is it out?"
"Oh, I thought we should do our plan on here."
"Vell, let's not vaste any time, shall ve?" Brutus asked.
Skye and TnTina nodded in agreement. So, while munching on their toast, the trio discussed a plan that would be practical and effective.

Plan To Get Deadpool
By Skye :3, TnTina and Brutus

1. Search Agency
2. If no Deadpool, search Salty Springs.
3. If no Deadpool, search Pleasant Park.
4. If no Deadpool, search The Shark.
5. Once with Deadpool, get autographs.
6. Sell autographs but keep one.
7. Become rich.
8. Yay we did it! :D

"I think this looks good," Skye smiled.
"I like the bit where we get rich!" TnTina sniggered.
"I think searching The Agency is a great idea!" Brutus chirped.
"Hey, guys."
It was Maya. She wasn't usually a chatty person being a scout and all, but what was she doing here?
"Oh, hi Maya! What are you gonna say?"
"I was decoding the files..."
(Maya was also in charge of the files)
"...and I found this."
She lifted up a picture showing a figure in red, probably Deadpool, watching some prank show in Risky Reels.
"Punk'd, from the Quibi event a month or so ago. That's right next to The Agency. I think Deadpool has been near The Agency for quite some time, and could even be inside by this point."
"Woah that's so useful." Skye cheered.
"Why are you saying this to us?" TnTina asked suspiciously.
"Cause I would rather be with any one of you than those two," Maya whispered, pointing to Peely and Fishstick memeing.
"Thank you very much, Maya," Brutus smiled.
Maya decided to stay at their table, so the four of them ate the rest of the food with each other before heading to their stations and wishing each other luck.

Skye, TnTina and Brutus got into position and turned towards The Agency.
"I'll search the upper floors. Brutus, you search floor 1 and basement floor 1. Skye, you search the lower levels," TnTina whispered.
"Got it," Skye and Brutus chorused.
That's when Midas appeared on the loudspeaker.
"Let the mission begin."
Skye darted towards the elevator, Brutus ran straight and Tina disappeared up the stairs. No one else thought to check The Agency, which was lucky.
Skye waited for a few minutes while the elevator descended before reaching the main room where missions were usually discussed. Skye knew Deadpool wouldn't be in any of the agents' rooms, since people were in there too often.
She checked the canteen and kitchen to no result.
She proceeded to check the armory and the training room. Nothing. Skye opened up her phone to see how the others were doing.

<Skye_:D> Any luck?
<TnT_Tina> None :(
<GBrutus> Nothing :/
<Skye_:D> He's gotta be somewhere!

Skye closed her phone and continued to look around.
"Hey Skye!"
"Oh, hey Joe."
It seemed Joe was here too, and he was missing his trousers again.
"So you lost your trousers."
"Yeah... I was wondering if you saw them anywhere?"
Skye thought back to 8-Ball on the stretcher.
"To be honest, I think you should just buy some new ones, unless you like the colour red."
"Red's my favourite colour!"
"Oh, I mean someone used your trousers as a bandage."
Joe seemed to not want his trousers back now.
"I'll buy some new ones."
"Good luck, Joe."
"You too, Skye!"
Skye sighed before walking into the wall.
"Ah! Are you OK?!" Joe gasped.
"I'm fine," Skye winced. She noticed that her face was very damp.
Why was the wall damp? That's when she realised that she didn't walk into a wall, but a vent cover.
"Why is a vent cover wet?"
"I don't know. I have to get back to my post now Skye, I've been out too long already."
"OK, good luck with your trousers, Joe!"
Skye investigated the vent cover and found it was locked. Skye went to her room and got her Charge Shotgun. Jules, Midas' younger cousin, designed it for her specifically, then made one for Brutus too. If you hold the trigger, you get a charged shot that takes two bullets but packs a bigger punch.
*clunk* *BANG*
Skye considered climbing in when...

<TnT_Tina> Where r u?
<Skye_:D> About to go on the vents, you?
<TnT_Tina> Uh, on the roof. Why r u in the vents?!
<Skye_:D> Drastic measures :/
<TnT_Tina> K, gl

Skye turned on the phone's torch and proceeded. She felt like she was an animatronic from one of those FNAF games. The vents were very enclosed and, of course, damp. Skye noticed that there was a certain smell that was coming from some area towards the left. It smelt like spilt milk and fish. Skye followed the tunnels as they got gradually got wetter and wetter, until she saw a vent door.
A white light shone from behind and Skye could hear clicking. She proceeded towards the door and pressed her ear against it. That's when it opened up and Skye fell into shallow water.
The water seemed to be coming from a clogged toilet in a spray painted cubicle.
Skye decided to stand up so she wasn't lying in toilet water, but even then water filled her socks and made them soggy.
"Gross..." Skye whispered, placing her boots and socks into the vent.
That's when something red caught her eye. They were sitting at a gaming setup and playing some Overwatch. Skye had to admit he was good with Junkrat.
"YES!" the man shouted. The words 'Victory' appeared on the screen in yellow and the man jumped up in the air.
"Deadpool...?" Skye gasped.
Deadpool turned around.
"I'm Skye... oh, can I get your autograph?"
"WHAT?! NO!"
"Midas wants you for something and you have to come."
"Midas? Haven't heard that name in a while."
"You should go to him through this door and see what he wants."
"Don't try, its jammed."
Skye rolled her eyes and pulled her sword out of her bag. She didn't know where she got it, she just knew it could do some damage.
"Really? Watch this!" Skye chirped. She thrust her sword at the door and sliced a whole big enough to get through.
"Woah! OK, lady I'll do whatever you say!" Deadpool whimpered, going through the hole. Skye grabbed her boots and went after him.
That was when Deadpool turned around and pushed Skye to the ground and started running.
"Owie! Ollie, he's getting away!" Skye cried.
"Throw me!" Ollie shouted. So that's what Skye did.
Ollie raced through the corridors at lightning speed after Deadpool rapidly running. Skye got up and ran after him. She knew she couldn't catch up, but she had to do something.
Deadpool was heading to a door that would lead to the main area where everyone would see him. Skye knew he was the enemy, but she wouldn't win if he was caught from ignorance.
"Deadpool! Stop!"
"What do you want?"
"That door leads into the main room! Everyone will see you!"
"Course it does. Well, I guess this is goodbye."
Deadpool opened the door to 4 henchmen.
"Guys, Deadpool is infected by something in the lab! Run!"
3 did, but one stayed to fight. He shot multiple times at Deadpool, but he dodged and wounded the henchman with his swords.
The henchman collapsed to the floor in a pool of blood and Skye knew it was too late to save him.
"Stop! Please!"
"Why should I?"
"Because I can help."
Skye wasn't sure what to do, but she couldn't let anyone else die.
"How do I know if I can trust you?" Deadpool shouted.
"I'm Skye! Of course you can trust me!" Skye knew it sounded stupid, but it was all she had. Deadpool stood down and they calmly walked back to the bathroom.
"Deadpool, why are you here? Do you know Midas is looking for you?"
"I'm in hiding. I can't go outside without being swarmed by policemen."
"Who do you work for?"
"Myself. Midas and the Chaos Agent both think that I would be a good agent. But I don't want to work for anyone. So please don't give me up to Midas."
Skye paused.
"I understand."
"Good. If you know what's good for you, you'll keep me safe."
"Let's shake on it!"
"OK, Skye, was it?"
"Yeah. And you're Deadpool?"
"You bet."
Skye stared nervously into the distance and shook Deadpool's hand. What had she just signed up for?


Word Count: 1400
Skye Count: 41

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