Chapter 6: Midas' Secret

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Ollie looked at his surroundings. Trees everywhere. He couldn't remember where he came from, so he had no way to get his bearings.
Skye, on the other hand, was curled up on his back. She was sucking her thumb and had no idea they had just traversed time and space.
Ollie put Skye on a stump nearby, being careful not to wake her up.
First, he found some sticks and made a hut. He then found some rope to tie the sticks together (don't ask me where he got rope this is a dream lol).
Over the week, Ollie got more materials and food for Skye. He would have to protect her now.

Flash Forward 1 Month

Ollie tried to feed Skye, but to no profit. It was a mix of carrots and cabbages and Skye managed to hit the spoon away from her every time it was thrust her way.
Skye was full on screaming now. She did not want her cabbages and carrots.
"Come on, Skye! It's for your own good!" Ollie sighed.
That was when Skye jumped out of her makeshift high chair and ran as fast as her little legs would carry her.
Ollie huffed and bounced after her.
Ollie knew eventually he would catch to Skye, but it was still annoying having to go and get her.
That was when Skye fell down the side of a hill. Ollie gasped before jumping down to help. Skye was curled up at the bottom of the hill crying.
As if it couldn't get any worse, it started to rain. Ollie was very afraid, so he turned himself into a hat and rested on Skye's head.
He calmed Skye down, when he heard the sound of footsteps.
Further down the hill, Ollie could see a... spaceship? It had a logo on top that looked like this:

 spaceship? It had a logo on top that looked like this:

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The spaceship itself was white. Ollie thought that some sort of secret organisation had landed its spaceship in the forest.
People in lab coats were rushing towards the inside of the ship. That was when a man with black hair in a suit brought out a golden staff and made the rain... disappear...
A large, hot sun appeared in a sky and dried everything up.
"Dad, can me and Jules go and explore?" Ollie heard a boy saying something near the ship.
"OK, but don't go too far," the boy's dad said.
That's when Ollie saw him. The boy was about 11 with black fair hair and a dress shirt. The girl who the boy called Jules was about 6 with similar black hair that was in two braids, one down each side.
Ollie realised they were coming in his direction, so he hid with Skye in some bushes.
Unfortunately, the boy saw Ollie and Skye do so.
"Hey, what's that?" The boy said, squinting.
Jules seemed interested, so she went a bit closer.
"Wait, Jules, we don't know if it's dangerous. Let me go first."
The boy peered into the bushes to see a round pink thing and a girl of about 3 or 4.
"Don't call for your dad!" Ollie whispered.
"Who are you?!" The boy whimpered.
"I'm Ollie, and this is Skye," Ollie replied.
"Well, this is Jules, and I'm Midas."
"Nice to meet you!"
"How did you end up with Skye, then?"
"An evil organisation called Shadow came to her town and killed everyone. Her father managed to escape with her, but he was killed. I think I went to... someone... for help and we've been living in the woods ever since."
"Shadow! I knew they were here somewhere! My dad owns a spy company called Ghost that exists only to stop Shadow's evil plans!"
Ollie and Midas watched Skye and Jules playing together.
"Dolly! :)" Jules smiled.
"You are really protective of Jules, huh?" Ollie giggled.
"Yeah. And you really like Skye."
"Say, maybe you'd like to come with us?"
Ollie looked shocked.
"R-Really?" Ollie stuttered.
"Sure, why not?"
"Wow... I can't thank you enough!"
"You're welcome! Let me get my dad!"
Midas proceeded to get his father and introduced him to Ollie and Skye. Midas' father agreed to let them come with them and then, after an hour, they took off.
Skye fell asleep on Ollie's lap.
"Dolly!" Jules said, kissing Skye's forehead.

Skye woke up sweating in her bed at The Agency.
"Ollie, hey, Ollie!" Skye said, tapping Ollie.
"What?" Ollie yawned.
"I saw another part of the dream!"
Ollie now looked more awake than ever.
"What did you see?!" he gasped.
Skye proceeded to explain how the dream started in a makeshift base with herself and Ollie, before a rainstorm started and she escaped and fell down a hill. She then explained how she saw a spaceship and a man appeared with a golden staff and made the rain disappear. She then mentioned how a young Midas and Jules went exploring and found them, before allowing them onto the spaceship with them.
"Wow..." Ollie sighed.
"You know, I think I know what I have to do."
"I have to tell Midas."
"Well, it would make sense to do it."
"Come on, Ollie!"
Ollie turned into a heat and went on Skye's head. Skye proceeded to get dressed and she grabbed her bag, since it had a tree symbol on it that she had seen on a flag in the burning town at the start of the dream, and it would help with the explaining.
Skye rushed over to the elevator and tapped the button for Midas' room. She knocked so he could let her in, but the door simply opened automatically.
"That's odd..." Skye whispered.
The lights were off, so Skye turned them on. No one was there.
There was something that interested her, though. Usually, there was a curtain that went across a wall, but now it was open, revealing a large glass orb. It reminded Skye of the the glass orbs that you would find at fortune tellers. The whole room was shrouded in darkness, do she couldn't see much else.
That's when Skye noticed a purple light coming from Midas' bedroom. Skye proceeded towards the room and looked inside.
A man in a wire-covered suit with a helmet similar to the large glass orb stared back at her. His gloves started to glow and they shot a beam of light straight past Skye.
Skye drew her swords since that was all she had with her and prepared for battle.


Word Count: 1000
Skye Count: 35

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