Chapter 11: Together Again

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Ollie turns himself back into a hat and Skye put on her boots and jacket. She then headed over to the elevator and tapped the button to go to Midas' room.
Midas said that he would be waiting, and Skye was hoping that he had kept his promise.
Eventually, the elevator made it and Skye stepped out. At the end of the corridor was Midas and another woman staring at a screen that showed... her room?
"I knew you'd come," Midas said.
He turned around and so did the woman.
Skye noticed the woman was wearing a white crop top with the Shadow logo on it and she had a nose ring. Her body was covered in tattoos and her hand was stroking a mechanical owl.
"Who's that?" The woman asked.
"Oh, that's Skye," Midas replied.
With that, the woman's face lit up and she hugged Skye warmly.
"Uhhh... I don't believe we met...?" Skye laughed nervously.
"Oh, I believe we have! I'm Jules, don't you remember?" Jules smiled.
Skye gasped and giggled, before hugging Jules back. Jules did not look how Skye remembered.
"Who's that?" Skye asked, pointing the the robo-owl.
"Oh, that's Ohm," Jules answered,"Using that screen, me and Midas could see into your dream, so I assume you know I'm super clever. Well, it turned out to be my ally! I've designed a whole ton of machinery for Ghost, so I also designed this guy to help me out! Say hi to Skye, Ohm!"
Ohm hooted happily to Skye.
"Nice to meet you too, Ohm!" Skye giggled.
Everyone stared at each other awkwardly for a while until Midas broke the silence.
"So, Oro in the dream said that he was in the island..."
"Yeah...?" Skye replied.
"How is this good?"
"Well, you know The Shark? That island with a celebrities' mansion on it? Well, we're gonna turn it into a prison. Oro will be attracted towards the construction and he'll hide in a cell waiting for someone to find him. Me and Jules will take care of him. I was hoping for you to guard the cell with some henchmen. However, while you're there, do not go into his cell. He'll try and lure you in, but don't trust him. His cell is only temporary. We have a permanent cell over there."
Midas pointed at a purple and gold cell with teslas on top. Skye assumed this cage would stop Oro from using his powers. That was when Skye's phone buzzed.
It was from Deadpool.
"Oh, sorry, I'll be right back," Skye stuttered, waddling over to the toilet.
"OK. Don't be long!" Midas called back.
Skye wandered into Midas' bathroom and shut the door.
Deadpool: Hey Skye!
Skye: Hai!
Deadpool: How are you doing?
Skye: Good.
Deadpool: Where are you?
Skye: Midas' bathroom. I'm in a meeting with him. Where are you?
Deadpool: Outside the door.
Skye opened the door to Midas' bathroom and saw Deadpool stood next to Midas and Jules. Meowscles, Kit and Tabitha were there as well.
"W-What's going on?" Skye stuttered.
"Well, you see, it was all a test. To see if you could keep a secret," Deadpool said.
"Ollie, did you know about this?"
"No. You would think they would tell me, wouldn't you?"
Ollie looked at Midas, who shrugged innocently.
"Why would you need to know if I can keep a secret?" Skye sighed.
Midas gestured to Meowscles and Tabitha to leave.
"Because there's something I have to tell you."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, let me explain. You see, none of this is real."
"...Midas, have you gone mad...?"
"N-No! Have you ever felt like you should've died, but you woke up the next morning and you were fine?"
She had. On multiple missions she felt weak and passed out, but she woke up in her bed when she woke up.
"Good. You see, the thing that keeps you from dying is called the loop. You die, you come back. Your life is looped. So's mine. So's Jules'. So's Ollie's. So's Wade's."
"Who's Wade?"
"That'd be me," said Deadpool,"You didn't think Deadpool was my real name, did you?"
"Maybe..." Skye chuckled.
"Skye, did you think that the Device, the Cyclo suit and the staff were just for controlling the storm? I'd have to be pretty crazy about the sun to do just that."
"That's what you told me."
"No. The storm isn't any usual storm. The storm is the loop. The Device, Cyclo, the staff. It's not to control the storm, it's to break it."
"Why would you want to stop being immortal?"
"Because it's not reality. Don't you want to see the real world?"
"This world is real to everyone who lives in it! I love this world, I don't want to leave!"
"But it's a different world, Skye! There are no skeletons to put curses on you! There is no magic!"
"Wait, you're doing this for yourself!"
"What would they think of Ollie?! What would they think of you?!"
"But I wouldn't be cursed! And Ollie..."
"See? You have no idea what'll happen to him! What if he just disappears?!"
Skye started crying at the thought of her best friend being gone. With that, she turned around and left.
"Well that went well. Let me talk to her," Jules said to Midas.

Skye collapsed in her bed for the 5th time in this book.
"Ollie, what am I gonna do?" Skye sobbed into her pillow.
Ollie didn't reply. He didn't know how.
Skye noticed her elevator doors open to reveal Jules.
"Go away!" Skye cried.
"No, we need to talk."
"I heard enough!"
Jules went on anyway.
"Y'know, if you were to pass through the loop, you wouldn't need the suit. The suit allows magical people to pass through. As being clever isn't really a curse, I don't need one. If this suit can take Midas through, it could take Ollie through too."
"Y-You'd do that?"
"Of course I would! Just gimme a few days to design the outfit and we should be good to go."
"Thank you, Jules!"
"Just one problem."
"You see the Shadow logo on my shirt? That's because I'm working undercover as a Shadow agent. You see, I got the parts for the Cyclo suit at Steamy Stacks."
"I'll help you get them!"
"Thanks. The best way to do it is to pretend you're a prisoner. The Shadow agents all see me as the boss. To them, I don't take no for an answer. I'll get you through."
"OK. When do we do it then?"
"I gotta make plans first. Go along with the capturing Oro thing then we can get started."
"Oh, thanks so much, Jules!"
"You're welcome! I'll go tell Midas."
Jules walked back into the elevator to go to Midas' room, leaving Skye and Ollie alone.
"Well, you can't defend an evil skeleton by yourself!" Ollie giggled.
"Oh yeah! I should get some henchmen..." Skye said.
She pulled out her phone and started getting a group of henchmen together.
It was her against Oro now.


Word Count: 1200
Skye Count: 35

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