Chapter 7: Cyclo

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The man in the suit ran towards Skye.
"You ready, Ollie?" Skye called upwards.
"Wait, what?!" Ollie squealed.
Before he could react, Skye threw him forwards. Ollie turned into his ball form and bounced into the man.
The man lay on the floor for a moment, recovering.
"Who-Who are you?!" Skye cried at the man.
"Skye! The suit, it's going crazy! It's me, Midas! I'm not doing this! Help!!"
Skye's eyes widened. Midas?! What was Midas doing making a suit?
That's when the head of the suit began to glow gold and several lights flicked on throughout the suit.
As Midas began to get up, Skye ran backwards. She saw that the large orb behind the large window was pulsing gold as well, lighting up the whole room with an otherworldly light, similar to the suit.
"What are you doing making a suit?!" Skye shouted at Midas.
"To power that! This suit is a Cyclo suit, if that helps," Midas gasped.
"It doesn't help, but good to know!"
Skye looked behind Midas at Ollie.
"Sorry, Midas! Ollie, now!"
Ollie bounced on Midas at such a force that he flew through the air and landed on his desk.
"Ow!" Midas groaned.
Skye grimaced, before hurrying over to the elevator and tapping the button to make it go up. Ollie just made it through the doors, turning into a hat and landing on Skye's head.
Skye took a large breather going up the elevator. It was taking her to the lobby because she thought fighting the Cyclo suit would be easier in an open space.
When she reached the top, she hid behind a pillar so the Cyclo suit wouldn't see her straight away. That was when the elevator closed and went downwards.
"Omg, he's coming!" Skye whimpered.
"It's OK. Just stay alert and be ready,"
When the doors of the elevator opened and Midas stepped out, she struck. Midas fell backwards before getting up again.
"I think you're forgetting that I'm in the suit!" Midas huffed.
"Sorry!" Skye laughed nervously.
Skye sliced a pillar nearby, crushing Midas under it. This gave her time to rummage through her bag for anything that could help.
Her Big Book of Magic, some cool rocks, her Pokemon Trading Cards, a figurine of Finn from Adventure Time. None of those would help. Her SCAR was nowhere to be seen, but that's when Skye saw her Grappler.
Skye pulled out the Grappler and closed her bag. She aimed her Grappler for the roof and grappled up. At that moment, Midas got out from under the pillar.
Cyclo boosted itself up and landed in front of Skye.
"Please don't hurt me!" Midas whimpered.
"I won't, not too hard anyway..." Skye said smugly.
Drops of rain began to fall from the sky and Skye heard a rumble of thunder. Cyclo thrust itself towards Skye, but she stepped out of the way and threw Ollie again.
Ollie screamed as he flew through the sky towards Midas for the third time. Midas staggered backwards but didn't fall over. That's when Skye had an idea for an attack that was genius and it would look cool.
She aimed her Grappler at Midas and fired. Skye flew through the air and stuck out her foot. She kicked Midas in the gut and he fell backwards off the roof.
Skye jumped off after him and grabbed him. She punched the orb mask and it smashed sending shards of glass everywhere.
That was when Midas realised he could control the suit again.
Skye looked past Midas at the ground and screamed. Midas closed his eyes and started breathing hard.
"OLLIE!!" Skye screamed.
"Coming!" Ollie gasped. He flew past the falling duo and turned into a Crash Pad. Skye and Midas fell onto Ollie and bounced into the lake around The Agency.
"What. Just. Happened?" Skye gasped.
"Uhh... Let's talk about it over ice cream!" Midas laughed nervously.
"OK... Come on Ollie."
Skye picked up Ollie and put him on her head.
Skye needed answers.


Word Count: 700 ;-;
Skye Count: 30

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