Chapter 18: Danger And Daring

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(They actually got rid of the Bangers font on PicCollage so I'm using Blank Space now)

Midas, Jules, Skye, Ollie, Maya, Deadpool, Brutus and Meowscles all sat around a table in Midas' room.
It had been 2 days since The Grotto and The Rig had been invaded and TnTina was taken prisoner. Not to mention there was no sign of Oro anywhere. The whole situation wasn't ideal, especially since Midas' master plan was going to take place in 8 days.
The EGO strike team still hadn't delivered Oro's staff and Maya was in tears that her boyfriend was an imposter. As for Hugo, he was locked in Oro's cell while Oro was missing.
Skye had also noticed how Joe felt nervous around her and how Brutus maximized security around The Agency, The Yacht and The Shark. In fact, it surprised Skye that Ghost was still using The Shark since they only needed it for Oro. Then later that same day Skye realised they might need it for other prisoners.
"So... What's our next plan of action?" Meowscles mewed.
"Well, our first plan of action is to move Hugo to The Shark. Of course, we are currently fixing it up right now for his arrival..." Midas calmly replied.
"What about Tina?" Skye moaned.
"We have set a group of henchmen on the case. There has currently been no luck."
"OK... Jules, how's Ollie's Cyclo suit doing?"
"It's actually almost finished! You can have a look in a minute, if you like," Jules suggested.
Skye smiled to herself. Finally some good news.
"I recently hired a bunch of hackers to get into Shadow's files and steal some stuff. They've already been pretty successful," Brutus said, keeping the good mood.
"I believe that's all we have to discuss," Midas rounded off,"Unless..."
Midas looked at Skye with thoughtful eyes. Skye knew exactly what that meant. Midas was going to tell the others about her dreams and the loop. Skye knew it was for the best, but she wasn't sure if she wanted to say. The only people who knew about them were Midas, Ollie, TnTina, and perhaps Jules if Midas told her too.
Then she let out a huge gasp. TnTina knew about the dreams! If she let something slip about them in exchange for her escape, who knew what that would mean for Ghost?
On that note, Skye nodded her head at Midas, and everyone turned at him to listen.
He said about the dreams first, each one in order, and what night they happened. He then told them all about Oro, and why he needed to be found and captured again. Midas then told everyone about the loop. Luckily, everyone believed him. Skye figured it was time to come forward that she said to TnTina about the dreams.
"Uhhh... Midas?" she murmured calmly.
"Yes, Skye?" Midas replied.
Everyone looked curiously at her.
"You know how I said I had only told Ollie about the dreams? Well, I kinda lied..."
"Who else did you tell?"
Skye widened her eyes at Midas as if he had just told her to kill someone.
"Answer me!" Midas asked again, more urgently this time.
"I told Tina! Because she's in custody of Shadow, I'm worried she might tell Chaos Agent about them!" Skye huffed.
Skye sighed loudly. Partially because she was annoyed, but also because she felt as though a huge weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. She only had a few secrets now, compared to all of the ones she had just that morning.
Midas looked relieved, then he frowned at Skye.
"Why didn't you tell me before?!" Midas grumbled.
"I don't know! I guess I was just afraid. Things between me and Tina have been pretty shaky recently and I thought telling you about me telling her would ruin any chance of us being friends again," Skye mumbled guiltily.
Midas facepalmed himself, then shook his head.
"We have nothing more to discuss. You are all dismissed," Midas dismissed everyone.
Skye looked at Ollie, who nodded and walked out quickly with her.
The two of them waited for Jules to walk out.
"Let's see that suit then, shall we?" Ollie suggested.
The three of them walked into the elevator and Jules turned her special key in the lock that allowed them to go to Jules' workshop/bedroom.
When they reached the room, it looked the same as always. Except for the oversized suit in the middle of the room.
Ollie's Cyclo suit was a lot bigger than Midas', but it still resembled his. Purple wires protruded from gadgets all around the suit, which was a golden-brown colour and made of leather. A glass helmet rested on top. It was full of smoke.
"Did you make this in the past 2 days?" Skye gasped.
"I did it once. Making it again was like second nature, only on a larger scale. When we went to Steamy Stacks, I got extra supplies too in case one of the suits got broken or if we find someone else who needs one," Jules explained.
Ollie looked at the suit surprised, knowing he would have to wear it in 8 days.
"This is amazing!" Ollie cheered.
"Thanks! I'm very proud of it," Jules turned to Skye,"I also see you gave Ollie a little makeover in the past couple days!"
"O-Oh yeah," Skye giggled.
The previous day, Skye and Ollie went to Retail Row and she fixed him up with a blue hat similar to the form Ollie took on Skye's head and a small brown rucksack that she put some badges and pins on. Skye even trusted him with her limited edition pins of Rowlet, Popplio and Litten, Hermione Granger and Shadow Freddy.
Then Skye had a crazy idea. She knew Ollie would come with her whether he approved or not. The question was if Jules would.
"Hey, Jules?" Skye asked.
"Yes?" Jules answered.
"I just had a crazy idea."
"We need to go and get Tina."
"Midas said there were teams looking for her."
"But what if she's not on the island? I've heard that on the mainland there's a train track that leads to a huge maximum security Shadow stronghold. I bet she's there."
"Are you serious? We almost got caught at Steamy Stacks, and now you want us to go to a maximum security one where Chaos Agent probably is?"
"Ugh. Never mind. What did Midas say to you? When we came back from Steamy Stack?"
"He shouted at me angrily, then dismissed it. Don't worry though. We're cousins, so we argue all the time. I'm practically desensitized to it at this point."
"Oh. I'm sorry."
"Don't be. I'm fine. Also, I'm not coming with you to the Shadow stronghold. Maybe ask someone else."
"OK. I understand. We ought to get going anyway."
Skye looked over at Ollie who widened his eyes, taken off guard. Skye said her goodbyes to Jules before disappearing back into the elevator. Before pressing the buttons, Skye thought about her options of who to go to. She knew Brutus would be doing a lot of things with the henchmen, so he was out, and Midas would certainly disapprove.
Then Skye thought of Meowscles. It was too dangerous for Kit to come, but Meowscles would be a good teammate. Skye clicked the button to go to Meowscles' room and waited.
Meowscles, noticing that the elevator was outside his room, opened up the doors to reveal himself sat next to Kit.
"Hi Meowscles!" Skye greeted.
"Hi," Meowscles replied.
"Hello Skye! Hello Ollie! How are you today?" Kit smiled.
"I'm very good, thank you!" Skye cheered.
"I'm fine, thanks," Ollie answered.
"You know, Kit, I came here to ask your father something. You can stay, as long as you don't tell Midas anything!"
"You mean Food Man? Of course!" Kit agreed.
Meowscles looked at Skye curiously and waited for her to say something.
"Do you want to go to a super secret Shadow stronghold with me and Ollie to bust Tina out?" Skye said quickly.
Meowscles looked thoughtful for a moment while he made his mind up. He looked at Kit, then at Ollie, then back to Skye again. A smug smile curled up around Meowscles' face and he nodded.
"Sounds fun," he nodded simply.
Skye squealed with joy. At least she had one ally to go with her and Ollie.
"Come on, then!" Skye squealed, gesturing to Meowscles to come with her.
Meowscles scooped up Kit and held him close to his chest and went with Skye to the elevator and turned around.
"Who are we looking for now?" Meowscles meowed.
"I'm gonna ask Maya and Deadpool," Skye replied.
"What about Brutus?"
"He's out since he has to do stuff with the henchmen."
"Did you even ask him?"
"I didn't, but I know Brutus. During times of crisis, he relies on his henchmen. If things get hairy, we can call him for backup."
Ding! The doors opened up to reveal the challenge table and a series of doors and hallways. Skye knocked on Maya's bedroom door.
"Hello?" Maya called.
"Hi! It's me, Skye."
Maya opened the door and saw Ollie, Skye and Meowscles with Kit in his arms.
"Oh, hey guys," she smiled.
"I wanted to ask you something," Skye explained.
"Of course! Come in."
"So... Me, Ollie and Meowscles are gonna go to a super secret maximum security Shadow stronghold on the mainland. Do you want to come? I'm gonna ask Deadpool too!"
"Without question. I need revenge."
Skye was pleased that Maya agreed, but was also a bit afraid that she mentioned revenge, as if she wanted to kill someone. It did actually make sense since she had just found out that her boyfriend had been manipulating her for Ghost's secret files.
"Awesome!" Skye smiled,"Let's go get Deadpool!"
The four agents walked out into the challenge table room.
"Where exactly is Deadpool?" Meowscles asked.
Skye pointed one steady finger towards an air vent.
"In there," she said.
Maya and Meowscles exchanged looks while Ollie stared blankly at the vent cover, that had been fixed since last time Skye had blown it off.
Skye opened up the cover and hopped inside.
"Follow me!" Skye called back.
The vent was damp, like she remembered it when she was crawling through it 8 days ago. Skye led everyone to Deadpool's room, that was full of water?
Deadpool appeared above the surface wearing a scuba mask.
"Hey, Skye," he sighed.
"Hi, Deadpool! What happened?" Skye wondered.
"Someone went in the toilet while I was out. They must've been very upset since he stuffed my toilet full of plungers and toilet paper. It was half full by the time I had come back from the meeting."
"O-Oh... Well, I came here to ask you something."
"Is it dangerous?"
"I'm in!"
Skye was glad that she didn't even have to explain what they were doing. She now had a full team of agents!
Skye looked back at Ollie. He was squished against the walls being as big as he was. He smiled uncomfortably.
The Shadow stronghold was their next stop.


Word Count: 1800 words
Skye Count: 56 Skyes

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