Chapter 24: The Device

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It's gone! Skye thought.
She could barely bring herself to open her eyes. She didn't want to see what was left of The Agency. However, she knew she would have to.
She bit her lip and opened her eyes to find The Agency... still standing?
Nothing had changed. Except, something had changed. For, now, to the left of The Agency, one of the hatches had opened, and a huge tentacle-like contraption emerged from the waters. It was very reminiscent of the Cyclo suit and the Device.
Another tentacle appeared from behind The Agency. Skye noticed the tips of the two tentacles turn light purple, and several matching clouds began to roll in around The Agency, making a sea of magenta in the sky.
"What is that?" TnTina gasped.
"I think... it's a tentacle...?" Ollie cocked his head.
A third tentacle splashed its was out of the waves and stopped at the same height the others had.
Skye felt drops of water on her face, but she wasn't sure if it was the forth tentacle or the rain. It was cold, like the wind. The moon was blocked out of the sky and somehow the island was even darker than before.
"It's so c-cold. It's never this cold in June," Joe shivered.
"Yeah, what's happening?" TnTina asked.
Skye looked around and saw Midas in his Cyclo suit, with Jules, Meowscles and Kit stood next to him. Jules was holding a tablet that she was using to control the Device. She tapped something and the fifth and final tentacle showed itself from behind Skye.
"I'll be right back," Skye said.
She ran over to Jules and the others.
"What's going on? It's so cold. There's no way a storm could be this strong, especially in June," Skye asked Jules.
"I knew that a storm couldn't be powerful in June, so I made those things to enhance the power. We're gonna need everything we can get if we want to break the Loop," Jules explained.
"So, like an artificial storm to break the real storm? That's pretty cool."
"It's not gonna last. Now that the tentacles are out, I'm gonna have to blow up The Agency. I don't recommend you look."
"Oh... right."
Skye turned away and looked at the floor. A ghostly white light was emanating from The Agency, and things were being sucked in. Skye spotted her own shadow on the grassy floor among the white light.
The next thing she saw was dirt up close. The force of the explosion threw her onto her face, as it did the others. When Skye sat up, all the other agents and henchmen were getting up. Some of the henchmen's white uniforms had brown and green stains on them.
And there it was.
The Agency. Or, what used the be The Agency.
The left and right wings held, but were in tatters, and the centre of The Agency was, well, gone. A huge cavity was left in its place, and even the floor beneath the main floor was damaged.
Skye could just about see a layer of water just underneath where the first basement floor would be. Fires began to spark up just as thunder rumbled in the air. A purple bolt of lightning flashed in the sky, almost as if it were responding to the thunder.
"It's gone. It's all gone," Skye whispered to no one in particular.
"I didn't think you'd be so surprised. I told you all the details," Jules shrugged.
TnTina, Brutus, Joe and Ollie appeared at Skye and Jules' side in an instant.
"What... happened?" Ollie whimpered.
He looked incredibly upset, as did the others.
"It had to be done," Jules said.
"Wait, you did it on purpose?!" Joe cried.
"How else are we gonna get the Device out?"
No one answered, because there really was no better idea.
Skye turned back towards The Agency to see a huge white beacon of light coming out of the water. The light dispersed, then there it was.
It was the Device in all its glory, suspended on a huge black pole covered with wires. It was slowly rising upwards, as everyone stared upwards in horror.
"Oh my God," TnTina whispered.
"Do you guys like it?" Jules grinned.
"I would, but I'm too busy being kinda terrified," Ollie laughed nervously.
The Device began to glow yellow and make a strange noise. Then, the ground began to shake ferociously.
"Earthquake!" Brutus yelled.
In an instant, all the weight in Skye's body was removed. What was this? She jumped to see how it would feel... and she went really high.
"Woah! Low gravity!" Skye murmured.
When Skye righted herself, she also caught sight of the light yellow orb floating above the Device. All of the tentacles sent a beam of purple energy into the orb one by one, making the previously yellow orb go purple.
Then, the orb must've sent some energy back, because the tentacles sent identical purple bags of light in the other direction towards the storm.
The storm was being pushed back! Salty Springs and Risky Reels became visible once again, and the storm flickered violently.
"Brace yourselves!" Midas said within the earpiece.
Then, everything was gone. It was all replaced with a blinding white light that made Skye feel dizzy. She felt as though her whole body was being stretched and twisted, giving her a deforming sensation. When she screamed, she couldn't hear it. She couldn't hear anything.

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