Chapter 5: Hugo

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Skye sat on the top of The Yacht feeling sorry for herself. She stared at the sign that read 'Tacos' and huffed angrily. She hated Deadpool more than ever for betraying her trust.
That's when TnTina came up the stairs unaccompanied and propped herself down next to Skye. Skye didn't look up.
"Tina, what do I do?" Skye sighed.
"I came out her to say that after some discussion, me and Brutus have decided to help you out with Deadpool. Besides, you're our friend and I still need that autograph!" TnTina smiled.
Skye turned to TnTina and smiled, before hugging her. Brutus and Deadpool then came outside too and they all looked at one another.
Skye gave a sigh of relief. She was still lying, but at least she wasn't doing it alone.

Skye, Brutus and TnTina walked through the front of The Agency. Deadpool had found a vent hidden in a bush and had taken it back to the bathroom that Skye had found him in.
The trio planned to take a break after their long day. They couldn't believe that they had only been sent to find Deadpool that morning.
They were looking forward to relaxing when Midas' voice came over the loudspeaker.
"Could all agents please come to my office," he said.
"Darn," TnTina huffed.
"There goes our relaxing afternoon..." Brutus sighed.
Skye simply sighed then hurried towards the elevator, closely followed by the other two.

Skye, Brutus and TnTina rushed to Midas' office and knocked on the door.
"Come in," he said.
The three of them walked in. Meowscles was already in there and Maya was stood next to Midas proudly.
"Hello, agents, shall we begin, then?" Midas welcomed, clapping his hands together.
Skye, Brutus and TnTina found seats, and so did Meowscles, but Maya stayed up front. Skye assumed it wasn't worth worrying about.
"You may remember this morning when I asked Maya to go on a special mission. Well, we have a surprise for you. You can come out now!" Midas explained. He said the last part in the direction of a closet.
The door opened revealing a man with red tinted sunglasses and gelled chestnut hair. He had a small beard on his chin and he was wearing a black and gold jumper with red trousers and black shoes.
"This is Hugo. A few days ago, I sent Maya to find him and recruit him and he agreed."
Hugo waved at everyone awkwardly.
Everyone waved awkwardly back.
"For now, we've put him on the AID team. I'm sure a few of you have heard of it? Anyway, make him feel welcome and such and he'll help you. Thank you for attending and you can go back to your daily routine." Midas concluded.
No one really had anything else to say, so everyone just got up and left.
As Skye was about to turn the corridor to the elevator, Maya tapped her on the shoulder.
"Hey, Maya! What's up?" Skye said.
"I wanted to talk to you about Hugo," Maya replied.
Maya guided Skye to the bathrooms and into a cubicle. She checked no one was there before turning to Skye.
"I think I like Hugo..." Maya blushed.
Skye thought about Swift, who was already her boyfriend.
"What about Swift???" Skye gasped.
"Oh we're not together anymore. There's another henchman he likes."
"But aren't all the henchmen guys? Ohh."
"Yeah. I was a bit annoyed he didn't say before, but I helped him out."
"Huh. And what did you want me for?"
"I want you to help me."
"OK... Uhh what should we start with?"
"What should I say to him when I meet him?"
Skye thought back to a new meme she had heard of.
"Are you a Minecraft fence? Because I can't get over you," Skye said proudly.
"Ugh- before we focus on that stuff, could you ask me about going on a date? That was a good line, though," Maya sighed.
"I learnt it from the internet :3." Skye giggled.
Skye spent the next hour in Maya's room teaching stuff about love. After their session, they both felt very proud of themselves. It was very late so they both went to bed.
Skye went to bed, not knowing what the night would bring...


Word Count: 700 ;-;
Skye Count: 23

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