Chapter 19: The Stronghold (Part 1)

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Skye woke up and yawned. She turned the clock on the table towards her. 1:00am. 1:30 was the time that herself, Ollie, Meowscles, Maya and Deadpool had agreed to meet up, which meant Skye had half an hour to wake Ollie up and get ready to go.
"Ollie! Ollie!" Skye whispered, shaking Ollie awake.
"What? Oh my, we've only got 30 minutes!" Ollie gasped.
"Shush! We can't wake anyone up."
"What are we waiting for?"
Skye and Ollie got ready silently, and Skye packed a few granola bars for the journey. When they got outside, all of the others were already there.
"Took you long enough," Meowscles meowed.
Skye and Ollie looked guiltily at each other.
"Granola bar?" Skye laughed nervously.
Meowscles facepalmed, and Maya and Deadpool accepted. Everyone chowed down on their granola bars while Meowscles folded his arms and growled.
When everyone finished, they agreed they were wasting time and should get going.
Their plan was to go to Dirty Docks and take one of Ghost's boats to the mainland. They had heard that Dirty Docks was a Shadow location that had been evacuated to maximize security on The Grotto and The Rig. They were hoping to find a sailor who could get them to mainland without drawing attention.
After passing through Frenzy Farm and sneaking past the Shadow outpost they had nicknamed 'Sniper Base', it was only a home stretch to Dirty Docks.
They followed the road there cloaked in darkness and found the docks soon enough.
Then they saw the Ghost boats. Or, rather, what was left of them. Since Dirty Docks had fallen to Shadow, the boats had been destroyed.
"Dang it!" Deadpool groaned.
However, there was another boat there. It belonged to Shadow and heaps of cargo were being loaded into it. Skye had a crazy idea.
"Guys, look," she pointed out.
"Oh, Shadow are still using the docks, then," Maya gasped.
"Yeah. Using that boat would take us straight to the train line to The Stronghold," Ollie wondered.
"That's what I'm suggesting," Skye said.
"What?! No! That's too dangerous!" Moewscles huffed.
"Being here against Mr Goldy Hands' word is dangerous, you mangy cat," Deadpool sighed.
"I'm going with Deadpool and Skye," Maya nodded.
"Me too!" Ollie agreed.
Everyone looked at Meowscles encouragingly, nodding and smiling.
"Ugh, FINE!" Meowscles grumbled.
Everybody cheered quietly and crept towards the big grey warehouse. It was full of vases to hide behind.
"How are we actually going to get on?" Ollie asked.
"We need disguises," Skye explained,"Look."
Skye pointed towards a group of 6 henchmen walking past. They were unaware of the 5 agents sat snugly behind the vases.
Meowscles jumped out and grabbed them and Maya killed them quickly with her knives.
The five of them got changed into their outfits quickly. Ollie's was a bit small, but that didn't matter. They only needed the outfits to get on the cargo ship, anyway.
The agents then walked to the dock and boarded the ship. They thought they would be able to get on, but then someone looked at Meowscles.
"Hey, Jeremy, I thought you were staying here?" he said.
How does he know who the henchmen are? Skye thought to herself. It was a pointless question, but one that needed answering nonetheless.
"Ummm... There was a change of plans," Meowscles answered, taken off guard.
"OK," the henchman nodded.
The five of them sighed as they boarded non-suspiciously. They passed crates upon crates of supplies before finding a gap in a containment box to hide in.
They closed it behind them and hoped someone would lock it, and they did. There was no coming out until they got to the mainland.
Skye snapped some glow sticks as a light source, making the large metal box glow shades of blue and green. From then, there was a moment of silence, when no one spoke a word or did anything. They just sat there.
"I need the toilet," Meowscles mumbled.
Everyone groaned and shouted at Meowscles saying he should've gone before they left.
"I think the crate is on a slant, so go over there," Deadpool sighed, pointing to the opposite corner.
Meowscles crept over there silently and Skye covered the glow sticks for some privacy. Skye searched her bag for anything that could block out the sound. All she could find were mini marshmallows. She handed out mini marshmallows to everyone to put in their ears while Meowscles did his business.
A minute later, all was well, and Skye ate her marshmallows. Disgusting. They sat in silence for another few minutes.
"Meowscles, shut up!" Deadpool moaned.
"It wasn't me!" Meowscles replied offended.
Ollie felt rustling in his bag and something small and furry poked it's head out. Kit had stowed away!
"Kit, what are you doing here?!" Ollie gasped.
"Son, we told you to stay!" Meowscles huffed.
"You told me to keep a secret, and I didn't trust myself," Kit mewed.
"Well, you're here now. Granola bar?" Skye sighed.
"Yes, thank you! I'm starving!"
Kit gobbled up the granola bar and Skye handed him some mini marshmallows, too. Skye pulled out her phone and fiddled around with it. Last night, she charged multiple power banks and brought multiple chargers for everyone. Also, after looking through the small wooden boxes in the container, they were full of fruit, so they wouldn't go hungry.
Skye was prepared for the journey ahead.
Although it hadn't been that long since she had woken up, Skye began to drift into a dreamless sleep.


Word Count: 900
Skye Count: 21

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