Chapter 17: Storm The Agency

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Skye immediately pulled out her phone and tried to call Brutus.
No answer. She tried again.
"He-Hello?" Brutus stuttered.
"Brutus! I'm outside The Grotto! What's going on?!" Skye shouted.
"Vhat do you think? The Grotto's getting stormed!"
"What can I do?!"
"Nothing! Go and get Midas and tell him to get an army!"
Brutus immediately hung up after he said that.
"Ollie, what do we do?" Skye sighed.
"Well, there's only one thing we can do," Ollie looked past Skye at The Grotto.
"Are you saying we go in anyway?" Skye asked.
"No, I'm saying we look at The Grotto and take photos. Of course I'm saying we go in anyway!" Ollie huffed.
The two agents looked around for somewhere to enter without getting shot.
"There!" Skye pointed.
It seemed there was a vent shaft that they could use to get in. No Shadow henchmen were guarding the shaft, so they could get in undetected.
"We need to go in there!" Ollie said.
Skye and Ollie walked the the shaft undetected and looked in.
"Wow... It's pretty deep..." Skye shuddered.
A huge metal fan spun at the bottom, ready to shred people up upon contact.
"Let's do it on 3," Ollie suggested.
The two agents hopped down into the vent shaft and flew through the air. The strong winds felt wierd and Skye had to close her eyes when going downwards.
"Look! A door!" Ollie shouted, and sure enough, there was a door in the wall halfway down. Actually, there was two, out one was too close to the bottom to risk.
The two agents rolled smoothly through the door, that opened automatically.
"That was awesome!" Skye giggled.
The room they were in was next to a pool of water, a staircase and a tunnel. There were no Ghost or Shadow henchmen, and Brutus wasn't there either.
Skye thought of Brutus, desperately shooting the enemies with his minigun.
"Come on, Ollie! Brutus needs our help," Skye mumbled.
Skye and Ollie climbed the metal staircase to an armory full of open ammo boxes and empty weapon racks. Skye could hear loud gunshots outside the door. Among them, there was rapid louder gunfire, undoubtedly belonging to Brutus.
"Can you hear him?" Skye asked Ollie.
"The rapid gunfire? Yeah," Ollie replied.
Skye noticed a Suppressed AR on the floor and held it in her hands. Since Skye didn't have her SCAR, she was grateful to have a weapon at hand.
"What do you say we join them?" Skye suggested.
"What? No way! It's far too dangerous!" Ollie shouted.
"But Brutus-"
"Brutus is fine!"
Skye sighed.
"OK. I guess you're right."
However, when Ollie turned to leave, Skye ran out of the door, doing a battle cry.
"Skye!" Ollie gasped.
He picked up a spare AR on the floor and ran after Skye. Skye was going on a killing spree with the Shadow henchmen, making them drop dead left and right. In the distance, she could see Brutus. All that mattered now was getting to him.
"Hey there, tough guy!" Skye giggled.
"Skye?! Vhat are you doing here?! I told you to stay up there!" Brutus shouted.
"Well, I have a tendency to not listen, don't I?" Skye cheered.
Brutus looked as though he were about to say something, but then he shook his head dismissively. He couldn't argue with that.
As if on cue, Ollie turned up beside them.
"Skye! I told you to go!" Ollie huffed.
"Brutus needed our help!" Skye shouted.
"I vas fine, Skye!" Brutus panted.
"I couldn't risk it!"
Suddenly, heavy gunfire came from above. The Shadow henchmen had set up a mounted turret.
"Get down!" Brutus shouted to Skye, Ollie and all the Ghost henchmen. Everyone found shelter from the turret.
"What do we do now?" Ollie grumbled.
Skye noticed a door to the left.
"I have an idea! We need to get up there!" Skye suggested, pointing towards.
Skye got up and ran to the door to safety. She then gestured for the others to come. Ollie and Brutus ran to the door and closed it behind them. The staircase from before was there that Skye and Ollie had taken to get in.
"There's our ticket out," Skye said.
The three agents ran to the vent shaft and hopped in. Once again, Skye felt wind blow up from beneath her as she blew into the air. From above, they could see all of the Shadow forces going full out on The Grotto. A little while away, there was a base camp of sorts, so they landed there.
"Stop in the name of Ghost!" Brutus shouted.
All of the Shadow henchmen stopped busying away at their computers and put their hands in the air fearfully. Then Skye saw him. Up on a platform, a man stood wearing a gas mask and a black and red trench coat with the Shadow logo.
"Chaos Agent! Your evil rule is over!" Skye growled.
"I'm not the Chaos Agent. I'm merely one of his followers. The Chaos Agent is over at The Rig conducting a similar invasion," the man laughed.
Skye and Brutus exchanged looks. TnTina was also in trouble. Also, if this man wasn't the Chaos Agent, who was he?
Ollie started firing at the henchmen and Skye and Brutus followed. The man on the platform pulled out a legendary SMG and shot rapidly at Skye, Ollie and Brutus. Skye, staying under cover, reached the platform and launched herself onto the man.
"Who are you?! Reveal yourself!" Skye snarled.
"I promise you, you won't like it," the man replied calmly.
"I'm willing to take that risk!"
Skye yanked off the gas mask and indeed she didn't like it. That was because she knew who it was. The face staring back at her belonged to Hugo.
Skye thought of Maya, who was worried sick about where Hugo was.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now!" Skye snarled.
"Because if you kill me, you won't have proof I was ever a Shadow agent and Maya will never trust you again," Hugo mumbled.
"Midas said that you were on a mission!"
"I took care of that. Foolish henchmen... didn't know what was going on until they were dead."
Skye slapped Hugo hard across the face.
"Why? Why are you like this?!"
"I'm an undercover agent. It's what I do."
Skye thought of Jules and Tek saying the same phrase earlier that day. Perhaps they learnt that phrase from Shadow. At least they could be trusted. Or could they... Perhaps TnTina was right. No! How could she even think that!
Skye aimed her AR at Hugo's head and gritted her teeth. Hugo simply smiled calmly into Skye's eyes. Skye shook her head. She couldn't do it.
"Lock him up," Skye sighed before wandering off, leaving the others behind.
When Skye walked over the hill, what she saw wasn't good. Shadow henchmen were cheering in triumph around the mouth of The Grotto. While they had been infiltrating the Shadow base camp, The Grotto had been invaded.
Skye's phone buzzed. It was a message from TnTina.
TnTina: Skye! Tell Midas The Rig got attacked! It's been lost to Shadow!
Skye: I'm at The Grotto with Brutus and Ollie! The Grotto got attacked too!
TnTina: Ghost lost two locations in a single day...
That's when she couldn't take it any more. Skye decided to call TnTina and tell her she was sorry and suggest ways she could help.
"Hello?" Skye said.
"Skye!" TnTina blurted out.
"What happened?!"
"Shadow attacked The Rig. The Chaos Agent was here, but he escaped along with a few henchmen."
"Shadow attacked The Grotto too. I went to see Brutus and they were invading! You won't believe who was in charge of the attack."
"Hugo. He was working undercover as a Shadow agent. I bet he's the person who's been stealing the secret files, too."
"No way!"
"Yes way. How am I going to tell Maya that her boyfriend was an imposter?"
"I don't know. We'll sort that out when it comes to it."
"Wait... What's that?"
In the background of the call, Skye heard The Rig's computer saying the place would self destruct in 20 seconds.
"Ah! Run, Tina!"
"Bye Skye!"
TnTina hung up afterwards. After a few seconds, in the distance, Skye heard a loud bang and a mushroom-shaped smoke cloud appeared towards Slurpy Swamp.
"Tina!" Skye shouted, knowing no one would hear.
But people did hear her. Ollie, still holding his AR, Brutus and a handcuffed Hugo stood behind her.
"Vhat was that?" Brutus asked.
"The Rig. Chaos Agent knew Ghost wouldn't be able to take both armies of Shadow henchmen at the same time. Tina was there..."
Skye suddenly felt very faint. The last time she had seen TnTina was when they argued in the dining room at The Agency. Neither of them got to say sorry to each other.
"It's OK, Skye. Besides, we've got one of theirs," Ollie comforted, shoving Hugo forward.
That was when Skye got a call from Midas.
"Hello?" Skye said.
"Skye!" Midas shouted.
"What's going on?"
"We know what happened with The Grotto and The Rig. But, in the commotion, Oro took his chance to escape. He's gone."
"I know."
"Well, Shadow successfully took over The Grotto and The Rig! The Rig got blown up and I'm pretty sure they have Tina captive or maybe she... she..."
"She's not dead, Skye. I have a tracker in everyone, and hers is saying she's in the Shanty Town near Slurpy Swamp."
"Wait, do you want me to show you something?"
Skye ended the call and turned on the camera. She then took a photo of Hugo and sent it to Midas. Knowing Midas would have some sort of device to look at the picture, Skye called Midas again.
"Is that who I think it is?" Midas started.
"Yeah. I bet he's been stealing Ghost's secret files too."
"Hurry back quickly. It's all you can do."
Skye ended the call and turned to the others. They headed back to The Agency defeated.
What were they going to do now?


Word Count: 1700 words
Skye Count: 72 Skyes

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