Chapter 13: The Shark Prison (Part 2)

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The golden skeleton stood up tall in front of Skye. Skye pulled out her sword, knowing a fight was ahead of her.
"Oh, we don't have to fight," Oro told Skye.
"Y-You're tricking me!" Skye replied.
"I am certainly not."
"I saw you murder all those henchmen and Midas' father in the dream you sent me!"
"I did what I had to."
Skye pulled out the laser gun Jules had given her.
"Don't make me use this on you!" Skye whimpered, pointing the gun at Oro.
"Try me."
Skye pulled the trigger, sending a purple lightening bolt at Oro. He simply stopped it mid-air.
"Silly mortal," Oro sighed.
Oro turned the lightening bolt back at Skye and sent it her way. Skye had to leap out of the way to stop herself and Ollie from being blasted to bits.
Instead, the laser burst into the door and blew it off its hinges.
Skye ran outside the room to get away from Oro. Everyone was there. Brutus. TnTina. Midas. Jules. Maya. Meowscles. Peely. Contract Giller. A few henchmen were dotted around too. Everyone was carrying a laser gun and was aiming it at the cell.
The cell wall burst open and Oro was stood there, staring menacingly at them all.
"Fire!" Jules yelled.
The area was filled with purple beams of light, all going Oro's way. He dodged every one of them. Oro then pushed his hand forward and magically pushed TnTina, Skye and Jules off the edge of the balcony.
Skye cried out as she plummeted downwards. Luckily, Ollie made it down first and turned into a crash pad to break the others' falls. The three of them bounced upwards and onto the ledge.
Then Skye charged at Oro with her sword out and swung it at him.
"Gah!" Oro cried. His lower right arm was on the floor bubbling and melting into a pile of gold.
Skye's sword could affect Oro! Ollie came back over the ledge as well and landed next to Skye. Oro looked at Ollie wickedly.
That's when it happened. Oro sent a golden beam of light to Ollie, who was thrust backwards and laid on the floor.
"Ollie!" Skye screamed.
She ran over to his side, crying. Midas, Jules and TnTina came over too. Ollie started to glow.
"We have to go! He's too strong!" TnTina shouted to Skye.
"No. He wants a fight, we'll give him one," Skye replied.
Skye ran at Oro, prepared to stick her sword in him. Oro held his hand out and stopped Skye. It felt weird, like all her muscles had exploded. She found herself in the air. Her vision became hazy. Muffled cries could be beard around her.
"Hey, you big meanie!"
Everybody looked up to see the silhouette of a small cat.
"Kit! My boy!" Meowscles gasped.
Kit brought out a laser gun and shot Oro from behind. Oro stumbled and dropped Skye.
She lay on the floor for a moment, letting herself relax. Skye then stood up and looked at Ollie again. He was glowing brighter than before.
Then something odd happened. Ollie started to change shape. He went humanoid, and grew slightly taller than the other agents. The brightness disappeared and Skye could see him.
His face, body and upper arms were covered in red fur, while his upper legs and lower arms were covered in blue fur. His hands and lower legs had no fluff at all and were just yellow skin. A bright golden star sat on his chest and 2 yellow wings in his head. Ollie looked at Skye.
"What happened to me?!" he cried.
Skye looked angrily at Oro.
"What did you do to him?" Skye shouted.
"I tried to curse him," Oro said,"But I should've known better. Morphables can't be cursed like other people. Magical creatures like that take the magic and absorb it, then become... well... that."
"Skye, I think he means this is like a final form of mine," Ollie gasped.
"In that case, that's totally awesome! But Oro did try to curse you..." Skye muttered.
Ollie walked over to where Oro was and picked him up. He desperately tried to free himself from Ollie's grasp, but to no avail. Ollie pushed him into the wall and tied the metal supports around his body and his left arm, the one that was still attached.
Ollie ran out of the way.
"Everybody, now!" Midas shouted.
Oro, being stuck in the wall, got hit by every laser beam. Oro lay lifeless (as lifeless he could be being a skeleton) in the wall for a second.
Then, drips of gold ran down Oro and dropped onto the floor. Eventually, he was nothing more than a normal skeleton in regal clothing.
Jules pulled something out of her bag and threw it at Oro. It created a sort of bubble around him, that tethered to the laser gun when Jules held down the trigger.
"OK, everybody, back to work!" Midas shouted to everyone, who peeled off slowly.
Skye and Ollie were about to follow.
"Not you two!" Jules giggled.
Skye, Ollie, Midas and Jules, carrying Oro and a bit of the wall, went back to a Choppa and flew it to The Agency.
Once they landed, they took Oro to the elevator and went to Midas' room. There, the cage was waiting for Oro. He was put inside and strapped by Ollie to the wall using the metal supports.
Oro woke up and looked at them. There was a lot of questions awaiting him.


Word Count: 900
Skye Count: 30

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