Chapter 14: Pieces of The Puzzle

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"What do you want?" Oro snarled at the four agents in front if him.
"My oh my, how the tables have turned," Midas simply replied.
Oro narrowed his eyes at Midas. Or, at least, that's what Skye thought he was doing, having no eyes.
"Guys, chill out! We're not here to argue!" Jules shouted.
Midas and Oro looked at each other wickedly, then looked at the floor.
"I have a question. In the last part of the dream, you said that you had waited so long to show me my past now. If you're so cruel, why show it to me at all?" Skye asked.
"Sometimes, knowing is the worst curse of all," Oro grumbled.
"Another question, what curse did you try to put on Ollie?"
"The curse of Inanimating. It would've made him be a hat forever."
Skye gasped and ran up to the glass.
"You're a monster!" she said.
"That I am, girl." Oro giggled.
"Anyway, there are only two more things we need for the Device plan to go into action. We need that golden staff, that our EGO strike team are retrieving right now. Also, Jules told me that we're gonna need a Cyclo suit for Ollie," Midas explained.
"Yeah... I'm so sorry, Skye. I had plans ready for a suit, but because of... this... I'm gonna need more time to make another plan," Jules sighed, gesturing to Ollie.
"It's OK. How long do you need?" Skye said.
"If I work super hard, I'll have it ready in two days."
"Hello? I'm still here, you know!" Ollie huffed.
"Sorry, Ollie," Skye facepalmed.
"You know, I also have a question. Why give me the golden touch and not something more... usual?" Midas asked Oro.
"Well, boy, of course I didn't think 'oh better curse this boy with the golden touch I hope he knows about myths and legends'. You see, me and you are one in the same. When I was still... alive... I too was cursed with the golden touch. Once upon a time, I ruled a region called Komora. A deity came from the sky to me and offered me a gift. Of course, I chose the golden touch. You may have heard the legend. However, unlike the legend, I was smart. When the deity realised my true nature, he made me like this, and left. I felt powerful. Like the whole world revolved around me. People began to conspire against me, and I wasc dethroned. A new leader, Emerald Rule, took my place."
Oro pointed one bony finger at Skye.
"Emerald Rule was your grandmother. So, when you were ready to appreciate it, I swore I'd get revenge. So, I sent you the dreams to let you know I was coming. I accounted everything. However, as you can see, I didn't calculate enough."
Skye needed a moment to take it all in. Was this really King Oro of Komora? He brought it upon himself. He accepted a gift from a random deity and became twisted. No wonder everyone tossed him out. And it was a complete coincidence that her grandmother took the throne.
"So you agreed to a gift from a stranger then got angry when it turned out he cursed you?" Midas summarized.
Oro then got annoyed and frantically tried to free himself. Jules flicked a switch to the side of the cell, sending purple beams of electricity at Oro. He lay still for a second, before looking up again.
"We'll do it again if you misbehave," Midas grumbled.
"That's not why I put that feature in there. I did it in case we don't get the staff. I did it so we can drain your last magic instead. Of course, it'd kill you, but that's a risk we're willing to take. It's for a greater good," Jules explained.
"You're gonna kill me for your master plan?!" Oro gasped.
"Only if we have to."
Oro looked suspiciously at Jules.
"I have a question. Why are you grey now?" Ollie asked.
"Well, it corresponds with their 'plan'. When everyone zapped me, I lost almost all my magic. I don't have enough to power whatever you need to power," Oro mumbled.
"OK then... I'm gonna go make that plan for the Ollie Cyclo. Skye, Ollie, wanna come with me?" Jules sighed.
"Yeah, OK. Let's leave them to it," Ollie said.
And with that, Skye, Ollie and Jules left Midas' room. They all hopped in the elevator, then Jules pulled out a key and turned it in a lock in the keypad. Then, the elevator went downwards.
"Where are we going? I thought Midas' room was the lowest floor," Skye asked.
"To my workshop. I have to put this key in because Ghost's secret files are down here too. However, it's also because if Shadow invaded The Agency, they wouldn't be able to steal my technology. It could give them an advantage. Midas thinks we should put Oro down here for the same reasons," Jules explained.
"How come nobody told me? I'm trustworthy, right?" Skye huffed.
"Are you, though?"
Skye looked offended.
"Have you heard of camera feed? We saw you telling that henchman about Oro. Did you notice how he stayed when Oro shut you in his cell even after you told him to run if anything of the sort happened?"
"What are you implying...?"
"Come on, isn't it obvious? He likes you!"
"Everybody likes me. I'm a likeable person :)."
"No, I mean he like likes you. He keeps a picture of you in his locker and in his closet! I bet not everyone does that."
Skye looked at the floor for a second. How could she have been so blind?
"Aaaaaaand... we're here!"
The three of them hopped off the elevator, which closed behind them. It was like stepping into a whole new world.
The walls were lined with tools of all kinds - hammers, screwdrivers, even chainsaws. Green dungarees and a welding mask sat in the corner. There was also a bed, which made Skye think this room doubled as Jules' bedroom.
Ohm flew into sight and hooted happily.
"Hey, buddy! How are ya?" Jules greeted, stroking Ohm's head.
Skye and Ollie petted Ohm as well, and it became apparent to Skye that Ollie liked his newfound hands.
Jules moved over to a drawing board with some plans on it. They appeared to be for the original Ollie Cyclo suit.
"I should keep these for later," Jules said, moving the plans onto a nearby workbench.
"You know, it's only 1 o'clock. If me and Ollie helped, we could get this done by tomorrow!" Skye suggested.
"Are you saying we pull an all-nighter?" Jules asked.
Skye nodded.
"Ugh... Ok."
"Yay!" Skye cheered.
Jules and Skye stayed up all night designing a new suit for Ollie. Ollie had no say since he got bored and fell asleep within minutes. All they needed now was the parts to make it. That day they would have to go to Steamy Stacks and get some.
Skye wasn't sure if she was ready, but she knew she would have to go.


Word Count: 1200
Skye Count: 21

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