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Operation: Escape The Island was in full swing.
Boxes and boxes of things from Risky Reels were hastily being loaded into Choppas to get them away from the huge wave.
The wave, which the henchmen and agents began to call the Wall of Water, was incredibly odd.
It seed to change and move around on the land, soaking multiple locations with its salty wetness. However, whenever a location came out of the Wall of Water, it was as good as new, with the buildings still standing and not damaged.
However, it didn't treat the agents the same way.
Multiple people had died from the Wall of Water, for if anyone was swallowed up, they would be spat out at high speed and their bones would be broken beyond repair.
Midas had taken extreme action, saying that all Ghost personnel needed to evacuate Risky Reels in case of emergency.
Of The Agency, it was destroyed through and through, as was the Device. Jules had been on a hunt for anything she could salvage from the destroyed machine, but found nothing. Not even the tentacles survived. Neither did Hugo, as Jules had reported when she found his remains.
According to the autopsy, Hugo was hurt badly by the explosion, then drowned, then was electrocuted after his death. But no one felt sorry for him. If anything, he deserved it.
Today was the day that everyone else went home. Midas had said that everyone could live in his mansion in the UK, and that was what they were doing.
Only Skye, Ollie and Joe remained on the island now. The Choppa was waiting, but they didn't want to go yet. Ollie was in the Choppa, but Skye and Joe were looking at the ruins of The Agency.
"I still don't believe that it's all gone," Joe shook his head.
"Me neither. To think that just a few days ago we were inside that building," Skye sighed.
They paused.
"Hey, that was really thoughtful of you to take me with you through the Loop thingy."
"It was no problem really. I didn't know if I could have fun without you. Speaking of which, you've lost your trousers... again."
And sure enough, they were gone. Joe giggled and looked down.
"They are, aren't they?" he laughed.
Skye laughed in reply.
"You know, I have a confession to make."
"I... I like you."
Skye tried to act as surprised as possible. It's not like she couldn't tell.
"Really...? Why didn't you say anything before?"
"Because I was afraid you would say no."
"Joe, I would love to be your girlfriend."
"That's good. I would like that too."
Joe hugged Skye, and she hugged him back.
"It's gonna be a bit hard considering all that's happened. How are we gonna do it?" Joe folded his arms.
"We have to move forward. Besides, Jules has a plan for a new Agency, so you don't need to worry," Skye shrugged.
"That makes sense. We should probably go now."
Skye and Joe went over to the Choppa, where Ollie was waiting.
"Took you long enough," he said upon arrival.
"Can't argue with that!" Skye giggled.
The Choppa lifted up into the sky, and Skye wondered if she would ever return.
Of course I will, she thought.
Skye smiled at her home island for the last time before it disappeared behind the Wall of Water.
"See you soon, Island," Skye smiled.


Word Count: 600 Words

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