Chapter 9: Another Secret

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It was 7:00 pm, but Skye was heading back to her room already.
Midas had said that the dream had a final part. She couldn't believe that she didn't ask Midas what the final part was but she thought it was the equivalent of spoiling the final episode of a TV series or spoiling Avengers: Endgame for herself.
"Come on, Ollie, let's get into dreaming mood!" Skye cheered, flopping on her bed.
"OK. Wait, take off your jacket and your boots!" Ollie said.
Skye did as she was told. When she was ready, Ollie turned into a onesie on Skye.
"Ohh, so fluffy!" Skye sighed.
"All part of the bedtime mood!" Ollie smiled.
Skye read some of her book (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix) and turned off her light. She then closed eyes and dozed off.

It hadn't worked.
"Ugh, Ollie, it didn't work..." Skye yawned.
"Hmph... Maybe tomorrow night?" Ollie huffed.
"Yea, guess you're right," Skye sighed.
Skye got up and got dressed, before heading down to breakfast.
She sat down at a table with Brutus, TnTina and Joe the henchman. Skye realised she hadn't seen Joe since the incident with The Yacht.
"Hey, Joe! Where have your trousers gone this time?" Skye laughed.
"After we came back from The Yacht incident I felt a bit ill, so I went on a walk. I wasn't looking where I was going so I fell down a hill and my trousers got stuck in a tree. I'm not that much of a climber so I couldn't get them back down again. I'll get another pair soon," Joe sighed.
"Hey, Skye! Did you see the damage in the lobby?" TnTina asked.
"Yeah..." Skye replied.
"Do you know what caused it?"
Skye figured Midas didn't need any more problems.
"No. Sorry."
"Never mind."
Skye ate up her breakfast and decided that she wanted to do some training in Meowscles' room.
Skye: Hey Meowscles!
Meowscles: Hi
Skye: Can I do some training in your room?
Meowscles: OK just a second
Skye: Thanks :)
Skye smiled and made her way to the elevator and pressed the button to go to Meowscles' room and waited for him to let her in. She couldn't help but hear frantic running around almost like he was cleaning something up.
Eventually, he let her in.
"Heyy, Skye!" Meowscles said with heavy breaths. His face was bright red, and he was wearing tan shorts instead of his usual . He was very sweaty.
"Hi! What have you been doing...?" Skye smiled.
"I was already doing some exercise when you wanted to join."
"Oh. What should we do first?"
"You have to start with stretches or you'll be all achy afterwards. I learnt that the hard way!" Meowscles chuckled to himself.
"OK. Let's go! Come on, Ollie!"
Skye threw Ollie in front of her, then started doing stretches.
They started doing some exercises on the treadmills and competing to see who could lift the biggest weights.
Skye went to get a drink when she heard someone of about 6 or 7 say something.
"When is Daddy gonna let us back in, Mummy?" he said.
Skye turned towards the closet.
"Hey, Meowscles, did you hear that?"
"Hear what?"
"I heard a boy, probably 6 years old, in the closet. He was asking his mum when his dad would let them out."
"I didn't hear anything."
"Hmm... I'm gonna gave a look..."
Skye opened up the closet and saw a humanoid female tabby cat holding a kitten that looked like Meowscles.
"Meowscles, who's that...?"
Meowscles sighed, before explaining things.
"That's Tabitha, my girlfriend, and that's my son, Kit. I didn't tell anyone about our relationship because I knew you'd all laugh at me."
"Hey! My name's Kit, nice to meetcha!" Kit purred.
"Uhhh, I'm Skye, nice to meet you too! And Meowscles, I wouldn't have laughed! Well, I might've... but, this is true love! You deserve it," Skye laughed uncomfortably.
Tabitha walked over to Meowscles and whispered something to him.
"Oh, Skye! Tabitha was wondering if you could keep this a secret for now? Until we're ready."
Skye's heart dropped. Another secret? When it came to giving up the secrets, nobody would trust her ever again. But neither would Meowscles if she didn't do this.
"Fine!" Skye sighed.

She finished up and went back to her room soon after. Skye flopped on her bed and sighed.
"Ollie, why do I keep getting myself into these situations?" Skye moaned, looking up at the glow in the dark stars on the ceiling.
"I dunno... You literally came over for training and it turns out Meowscles was hiding his son and girlfriend! It's just a coincidence."
"That's a big coincidence. What about when it comes to ratting Midas and Meowscles out? No one will tell me anything! What if it's really important?"
"This'll all blow over, I promise!"
"No it won't!"
"Anyway, this isn't the mindset you need when you're trying to dream that final part!"
Skye had completely forgotten about that. She slipped off her jacket and boots.
"Onesie on!"
It was as fluffy as it was the previous night. Skye melted into her bed and let herself relax.
"Please let it be tonight... It's as if it's teasing me!"
"I've got everything crossed!"
Skye let herself close her eyes and drift off into a deep slumber.

Would Skye find out the end of the dream or would she be forced to have another day of anticipation?


Word Count: 900
Skye Count: 36

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