Chapter 12: The Shark Prison (Part 1)

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Skye, Joe and a few other henchmen prepared the Choppa to make a base in The Shark. Jules had given Skye a special weapon to defend herself that shot a special kind of laser beam. Skye couldn't help but notice that the laser beam gun resembled the Device and the Cyclo suit.
"Wow! I'm so excited to go on this mission!" Joe giggled. He seemed to have his trousers back (for now).
It occurred to Skye that Joe and the other henchmen probably had no idea what Oro was and how dangerous he was. She didn't want anyone to get hurt. However, he didn't have his staff so perhaps he was less dangerous. She'd have to wait and see.
A henchman hopped in the pilot seat and booted up the engine. Everyone got in and they all took off.
"So, boss, what's the plan?" a henchmen asked Skye.
"Well... Uhh... I didn't really have a plan. But if I were to say something, do not go into cell 24. Security there is to be heavier than other areas. People on the outside make sure no one comes in. People near cell 24 make sure the prisoner doesn't come out. If he does, he could kill us all. If he somehow does escape, evacuate. Call Midas and tell him to come to The Shark. Hey, that was pretty good!" Skye explained.
All the henchmen agreed, but Skye wasn't sure if they genuinely meant it or if they were just scared to say no. Either way, she took it.
Skye and the henchmen headed over to the north-west side of the island, and to The Shark.
There was a helicopter pad on one side that the pilot landed the Choppa on. While the henchmen unloaded the resources, Skye went to check out the prison itself.
The cells looked good, and the prison had vending machines, security, a vault to keep the resources, a dock, and the roof was open so fresh air could get inside. Skye went to check out Oro's cell. The windows had been boarded up from the inside, probably by Jules to stop henchmen and Skye getting tempted to go in.
Joe appeared by Skye's side.
"This the cell?" he said.
Skye nodded. She turned to Joe and realised he had lost his trousers again.
"Oh! What happened this time?" Skye giggled.
"Yeah... I tripped and fell down the side of a hill into the water, then a shark got 'em."
"Hehe! I think there might be another pair in the supplies. I put it in there... Just in case!"
Skye punched Joe's arm playfully. He rubbed it, then ran over to where the supplies were being transported to put on the spare pair of trousers.
Gradually, henchmen unloaded the supplies into the vault and got into position. Skye took the opportunity to speak to Ollie.
"What's he waiting for, Ollie?" Skye asked.
"Who's waiting for what to happen?" Ollie said.
"Oro. Why is he waiting to attack?"
"I don't know. You know, I think that was kind of you to take up Midas' offer."
"I wasn't going to. I just made a deal with Jules to make a Cyclo suit for you."
"Still, though."
"Yeah. Guess you're right. Thanks, Ollie!"
"You're welcome."
Everyone continued to keep their posts. It began to get hotter and hotter to the point Skye had to fetch her suncream out of her bag.
The henchmen started to take off their blazers and they poured all their money into the drinks vending machines.
Skye busted out her phone to play some games for a while. Some of the henchmen started to have a dance-off. Joe eventually came over to sit with Skye.
"What ya doin'?" Joe sighed.
"Nothing," Skye replied.
"This mission's so boring."
"But it is very important."
"Hey, Skye, do you know what's in there? The cell, I mean."
"Something... beyond evil. You know when I said to evacuate The Shark if he escaped? Well, if he escapes, you're all dead. The only people I've known him to spare are children. He spared me when I was little. Y'know, the thing in there killed Midas' father and massacred all the henchmen. If he escapes, get to the dock and get away. Wait for no one. I've got Ollie, so I'll be fine. Promise me that."
"I-I promise!"
Joe looked confused and scared, but he seemed thankful that he knew what was in cell 24. Skye knew Midas wouldn't be happy if he found out she had told a henchman about Oro, but she couldn't let him die. The same reason she made that deal with Deadpool.
Joe peeled off to the dance-off and Skye was left with Ollie. Skye took off her jacket and put it on the floor. She could've sworn the sun was going to explode any second.
That was when Skye heard something. It was a voice.
"Find me."
She looked around, expecting to see someone. That's when she heard it again.
"It's OK. I won't hurt you. Midas is a liar."
That's when Skye realised it was coming from cell 24. It was clear the henchmen couldn't hear it. Oro was speaking to her.
Skye found herself walking over to the cell. It was OK. Oro wouldn't hurt her. Oro... wouldn't... hurt... her...
"It's OK, Skye. I won't hurt you. Come closer, Skye. Set me free.
Come closer.
Come closer.
Come closer.
Set me free, Skye."
Skye found herself turning the door handle and opening cell 24. Oro was sat dormant inside. That's when he looked at her. Skye didn't feel safe anymore.
"Ollie...?!" Skye squeaked.
"What did you do?" Ollie whimpered.
"I don't know!"
The door to the cell closed behind them.
Oro turned his head to look at Skye.

"And we meet again."


Word Count: 900
Skye Count: 35

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