Chapter 4: Deadpool's Yacht Party

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It had been 3 days since Skye had met Deadpool. She knew she had to keep him a secret so he couldn't go anywhere in the map apart from his toilet. Keeping a secret from her friends felt horrible, especially since Deadpool was who they were looking for.
Nothing interesting had happened since then, and they hadn't gotten any clues to Deadpool's location.

Skye had just left breakfast and was going to deliver Deadpool some food.
"You know, Ollie, do you think this is the right thing to do?" Skye sighed.
"It wasn't my decision. I actually think you are being very kind!" Ollie explained.
"*sigh* I guess you're right... Deadpool?"
There was no answer.
Still nothing.
"OK, I'm coming in!" Skye shouted. She burst through the door but no one was there.
"Wait, what? Where do you think he is?" Skye asked Ollie.
"I don't know!" Ollie said.
*Buzz buzz*
"Hey, Skye, your phone's ringing!" Ollie whispered.
"It's Midas... I have to take this," Skye said.
"OK," Ollie replied.
Skye tapped the answer button with her finger.
"Hey, Midas!"
She could hear sobbing in the background.
"Hello Skye! Emergency meeting, at the challenge table!"
"Oh? What's it about?"
That's when a crying Meowscles screamed through Midas' phone.
"Uuh, thanks Meowscles!" Midas said before mouthing to Skye 'hurry'.
Skye nodded and hung up. She looked at Ollie angrily.
"I can't believe his nerve! I helped him out, and this is how he repays me?!" Skye shouted.
"Why can't he just follow the rules? Is that so hard?!" Ollie sighed.
"We gotta go," Skye said before throwing Ollie and climbing on. Ollie couldn't help but notice the sob in her voice.
They flew towards the lift before Skye put Ollie back on her head. Maya was in the lift with her.
"Did you have Meowscles scream at you too?" Maya asked.
"Yea... I've had a very rough day..." Skye sighed. A few seconds later, she teared up and started crying.
It was quite clear Maya had no idea what to do, so she patted Skye's back comfortingly. By the time they reached the bottom, Skye has stopped.
"Thanks, Maya."
"Uhh... you're welcome...!" Maya smiled.
"Ahh, there you are, girls!" Midas said from across the room.
Everyone was there, but Skye wasn't late, like usual.
"Let's begin, then!" Midas shrugged casually. Everyone stood up and gathered around the challenge table. Midas dimmed the lights for dramatic effect.
"I have new intel on Deadpool. As you probably heard from the call I gave all of you, Deadpool has taken over my baby's- *ahem* I mean Meowscles' location," Midas explained.
Brutus stuck his hand up in the air.
"Yes, Brutus?"
"Surely the henchmen fought him off?" Brutus asked.
"Well, Deadpool took them over."
"With magic?!" Skye gasped. She turned around to look at her sword. She didn't know where she got it, but she did know it was magical. 
"No, something even more powerful," Midas replied.
Midas tapped a few more buttons before camera feed was projected on the wall. It showed Deadpool appearing before the henchmen and pulling out his wallet. Then he went and bribed them all with money!
"Ugh!" Skye huffed.
"Since Meowscles is well... depressed, I have to look after him, and because I've got a special mission for Maya, I'd like Skye, Brutus and Tina to go and check it out."
"Yes! I can't believe our luck!" TnTina cheered.
"Skye? Are you OK?" Brutus asked.
What confused Brutus was that Skye almost seemed upset with someone - he could see it in her eyes.
"It's just..." Skye sighed,"OK I'll go."
"Knew you'd want to!" Midas said,"I'd like you to go and search The Yacht immediately."
Skye, TnTina and Brutus smiled at each other.
"Let's go, guys!" TnTina cheered and Skye and Brutus cheered as well.
Skye knew keeping Deadpool to herself was too hard, so she'd tell TnTina and Brutus. It was only two people. What could go wrong?

The 3 friends decided to walk instead of using a Motorboat or a Choppa. They thought that they'd benefit from getting some exercise and not rush to The Yacht. They were at Steamy Stacks and they were ready to ambush The Yacht.
"You guys ready?" Brutus said to the others,"First thing I'll do is give those henchmen a piece of my mind!"
Brutus was in charge of the henchmen, so it would make sense for him to be angry at them.
"OK, me and Tina will go find Deadpool!" Skye smiled. She knew Deadpool wouldn't be happy, but then again, that was the point.
So, Skye and TnTina climbed up the side of the boat to the helicopter pad and began to search around. Skye had only been on The Yacht about 3 times, but she could tell things looked different.
On the wall, there was bunting that read...
"Deadpool's Yacht Party? What do you think that means?" TnTina wondered.
Skye simply shrugged and walked in. It was quite apparent what 'Deadpool's Yacht Party' meant. All of the floors had been changed to dance floors, and an ice statue of a swan had been changed to ice statues of dancing angels, which held bottles of Slurp Juice around them. And, most notably, a statue of Midas in the middle had been changed so that the statue was wearing Deadpool's mask and it was holding a disco ball.
"Dang. Someone loves parties, eh?" TnTina giggled.
Skye felt betrayed. Midas was serious about finding Deadpool, and she had let him go. Keeping the secret from her friends was very hard, and he had repayed her by pulling some big publicity stunt.
"No time to lose!" Skye huffed.
They continued to explore The Yacht for secrets until they found a basement. Did yachts have basements? Skye wasn't sure, but they searched it anyway. There wasn't really anything strange until they came across a cage at the end of a passage.
"Skye?!" It was Joe and several other henchmen! Skye noticed that one henchman was sat in their underwear in the corner.
"Hi! How did you end up here? And why is he in his underwear?" Skye asked.
"Oh! Deadpool disguised himself with his clothes. He could be literally anywhere," Joe replied.
"And how did you get here?" TnTina asked.
"Oh, when Deadpool came to The Yacht, we were the only ones who wouldn't allow him to take this place over," Joe continued.
Skye and TnTina looked at each other. Deadpool didn't just take over The Yacht, he was imprisoning henchmen! Deadpool could be watching them at that moment, too.
"Can I help you, ladies?" A henchman from behind them said.
"Hey! Henchman!" TnTina shouted,"I know what Deadpool is doing to you! You need to find the key so we can free these henchmen!"
"Oh! I have that right here!"
Skye and TnTina smiled smugly at each other. The henchman reached into their jacket and pulled out... Deadpool's katana! The disguise wore off to reveal it was Deadpool all along!
Skye noticed that TnTina and Deadpool were about to fight and Brutus turned up too. Brutus had all the henchmen with him. Without thinking, Skye thrust her sword through the lock of the cage and yelled...
TnTina and Brutus saw to the henchmen's escape before Skye tapped them and whispered,"Not you!"
"Skye, vhat are you doing?" Brutus asked.
"I can't lie anymore! I've been working with Deadpool because he's afraid of what Midas will do to him if he gets caught!" Skye screamed.
Everyone froze in shock. TnTina and Brutus looked at each other guiltily and Deadpool looked at his feet, betrayed.
"Skye, you betrayed me!" Deadpool croaked.
"I betrayed you? No, you betrayed me! I worked so hard to keep you secret, and you repay me by pulling some big publicity stunt?! Do you want to get caught?!" Skye cried.
Skye ran into the distance, crying, leaving everyone else staring guiltily at each other.


Word Count: 1300
Skye Count: 47

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