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Coming soon! Book 3 of the Fortnite: Quest Buddies series is on its way! Fortnite: The Great Flood takes place on the C2S3 island after the Wall of Water collapses and floods everything

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Coming soon! Book 3 of the Fortnite: Quest Buddies series is on its way! Fortnite: The Great Flood takes place on the C2S3 island after the Wall of Water collapses and floods everything. Look forward to it!

Also, I'm gonna say thanks to TrickyTheLynx_, hxshiehaze and no_pomeagranates who have been reading this book from the very beginning. Thank you guys for supporting me and helping me get to the end.
With books like Fortnite: Spies and Skyedas to inspire me, I always had things to write, so thanks for that!

And, well, there are plenty more people who read this book now. So thanks everyone. I love you guys <3

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