Chapter 16: An Average Day

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Skye sat in her bedroom with Ollie. Jules had told her that she and Tek would clear things up with Midas and that Skye wouldn't have to worry too much about any consequences.
Midas seemed really mad, and it made Skye think of what TnTina had said.
"Why do you not have time for us anymore?"
"I'm saying that if you're gonna keep loads of secrets from me after I've told you all of mine, then we shouldn't be friends anymore!"
Skye thought of the way Brutus had shouted when she and TnTina had been arguing. She had never heard Brutus shout like that before. Well, at least not to a Ghost agent.
Skye thought of Midas shouting at Jules and Tek about how much hassle it'll be finding them a new position and how much danger they had put themselves in.
It was all her fault. Maybe it would've all been better if she hadn't told Midas about her dreams. She didn't want to imagine what it would be like when Midas told everyone about the loop and the storm.
Of course, it was almost time for the plan to go into action. Skye and Ollie had no clue what the plan was, but it was on the verge of happening. They only needed the staff now, that Ghost's strike team, EGO, was currently retrieving.
Midas said the plan was scheduled for the 15th of June. Skye checked her phone. 10 days. 10 days until Midas' plan would ultimately determine the fate of the island.
Skye thought of something she hadn't messed up. Her mind at first thought of Meowscles and Kit and how Kit saved her, but then she thought of setting up Maya and Hugo's relationship. In fact, Skye hadn't seen Maya for a while.
"Hey, Ollie?" Skye sighed.
"Yeah?" Ollie replied.
"I'm gonna go see Maya, wanna come?"
"Yeah, OK."
Ollie and Skye hopped in the elevator and rode it to the main floor. They walked past the challenge table and up to Maya's room. Skye hoped that Maya wasn't feeling the same way TnTina was.
"Come in," Maya said once Skye had knocked.
Maya was sat at a desk with a computer doing some sort of coding.
"What ya doin'?" Skye asked.
"Oh, Midas asked me to install a firewall on Ghost's agent files since there are Shadow hackers getting in. Also, I think TnTina's been going in too just for fun. I'm also adding new files in like Hugo and a few other new henchmen," Maya replied.
"Where is Hugo?"
"I don't know. He went on a mission yesterday, but hasn't come back yet. When I asked some henchmen about it, they said they had no idea what I was talking about, so I think it's top secret. Have you heard anything?"
"I haven't heard anything, sorry. I'll say if I hear anything."
Maya looked at her computer again and continued adding the firewall. Skye would have to ask Midas later.
"I saw you had an argument with TnTina."
"Yeah... I don't know where things are headed with us."
"I'm sure things will all be fine soon."
The two girls talked about random stuff for the next couple of hours while Ollie silently watched from the corner. Eventually they decided to wrap things up. Skye wanted to see Meowscles anyway.
"Bye! Good luck with TnTina!" Maya said.
"Thanks! And you with Hugo!" Skye replied.
Skye and Ollie then left and hopped in the elevator again. They then took it to Meowscles' room and stopped.
"Hey, Meowscles! Could you let me in?" Skye shouted.
Meowscles let them in. He was in there with Kit, who was eating some Beef Stripz contently.
"Hey, Skye. Hi, Ollie," Meowscles said.
"Hi," Ollie smiled.
"Hi Meowscles! Hi Kit!" Skye said.
Ollie and Meowscles burst into chatter, so Skye went over to Kit, who looked up when she sat down.
"Hi, Skye! How are ya?" Kit greeted.
"Good! I came down here to say thank you. I was in a serious scrape at The Shark, and I'd probably be dead if it weren't for you," Skye thanked Kit.
"Awww... You're welcome!"
"What have you been up to then?"
"Nothing. Well... actually I asked Jules to make me a robot, but with all that's been going on, I think it's at the back of her mind."
"Cool! What are you gonna call it?"
"Hop Flopper. I'm planning on giving it rocket boosters on its feet to make it fly."
Kit continued to explain to Skye about his robot, while Ollie and Meowscles spoke about other things.
Eventually, it got late and Skye decided it was time to go back to her room. After saying their goodbyes, Ollie and Skye hopped into the elevator and went back to their room.
Skye flopped onto her bed.
"Can you believe we have nothing to do?"
"We've been busy every day, haven't we?"
"Y'know, I heard that a new Krispy Kreme's shop opened up in Lazy Lake yesterday. The queues might be long but do you wanna go?"
"You bet I do!"
So, they got some money and Skye picked up her backpack, and they were off. They decided to walk to take in some fresh air after days of missions and disturbed sleeping patterns.
"You know, Skye, I like being like this," Ollie sighed while walking by Gorgeous Gorge.
"Really? I wondered why you weren't freaking out when you turned into, well, that."
"Yeah. I mean, I have arms! I know you take your arms for granted, but I've never had an arm before."
"I do have to brush my hair now though because before you just hid it!"
"Hehe! You're so lazy."
"I know."
Skye punched Ollie's arm playfully, then the two of them ran the rest of the way to Lazy Lake. By the time they got there, they were exhausted.
A large sign read 'Krispy Kreme's' where an antique shop used to be. Other people were in there too, but there were a couple of seats for Skye and Ollie to sit in.
"Hi! Welcome to Krispy Kreme's in Lazy Lake. What would you like to order?" The cashier said.
They were originally going to get one donut each, but they got two each instead because they couldn't decide on the flavors. Skye got Strawberries and Kreme and Chocolate Dreamcake. Ollie got Reese's Peanut Butter and Apple Pie.
The two agents found a table and ate their donuts contently.
"This *chew* is so *chew* good!" Skye cheered with a mouthful of donut.
It seemed Ollie wanted to say something, but he was too absorbed in his donuts to speak.
When they finished, they decided to go and visit Brutus in The Grotto. They walked to Retail Row, then to the mountains surrounding The Grotto. Then, something happened that wasn't good.
The Grotto was being invaded by Shadow.


Word Count: 1100 words
Skye Counter: 34 Skyes

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