Chapter 1: Skye

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"What in tarnation?!" shouted TnTina from the doorway of Skye's bedroom.
"Tina, I had that dream again," sobbed Skye. Recently, the dream had been happening more often than usual. This was the third night in a row.
"The one about Ollie and your parents?"
"It's OK, that was a long time ago," said TnTina, hugging Skye. They were friends, after all,"How is Ollie?"
"Oh, here he is," replied Skye, cheering up.
She picked up her hat, which lay on a table nearby. Her hat wasn't a normal hat, and when she threw it, it turned into a pink spherical creature called a Morphable. This Morphable was slightly grumpy, as Skye just woke him up.
"Excuse me?! I was sleeping!" Ollie the Morphable shouted to TnTina and Skye.
"Good morning, Ollie!" Skye cheerfully said to Ollie.
*Buzz Buzz*
"Hey, Skye, that was your phone."
"I know, who would be texting me now?"
"I guess there's only one way to find out,"
Skye reached for her phone and turned it on.
<MeowMeow> Hey Skye! I challenge you to a game of Jenga, and this time I'LL win!! Lunchtime, OK?
"It's from Meowscles," Skye said to the others.
<Skye_:D> sure I'll be there and I'll win
"OK, Tina, don't let me forget to do Jenga with Meowscles at lunchtime!" Skye exclaimed to Tina.
"Sure. Now, if you don't mind, I'm gonna go to bed," TnTina yawned.
"Me too," Ollie replied.
"We're not! Come on, Ollie, we gotta practice!" Skye cheered.
Skye and Ollie practiced for hours on end, trying to perfect their skills (or more Skye's skills) so they could beat Meowscles in battle. They wouldn't give up. Meowscles couldn't win.


"Your go," said Skye smugly to Meowscles.
"Meow! You're cheating! There's no way you could be this good!"
It was apparent Skye was having good luck. She practiced for a while, but this was strangely convenient.
"Grrrrrrrrrrrr..." grumbled Meowscles as he took out a risky block, and placed it on top.
How could Skye or Meowscles keep going now?
"Ollie! What do I do?!" Skye whispered to Ollie. She thought that if she even blew on the tower, it would collapse to a pile of blocks.
"I guess you could go for that one, but take it easy," Ollie explained. He didn't have to whisper. As a hat, Morphables can only be heard by their wearers.
"OK..." Skye said. Upon contact the tower wobbled, but Skye was able to remove the block.
"Yes!" Skye cheered.
"I was gonna go for that one, no fair!"
Skye stared at Meowscles for several more minutes and she knew the next block would be his last, whether he failed or succeeded.
Skye saw in Meowscles' eyes that he was going for a block closer to the bottom, and even Skye had to admit it was a very smart move.
Meowscles reached cautiously towards the tower and it collapsed before he even touched it.
"Yayeee!" Skye cheered, jumping up and down with delight,"Now I get your beef stripz!"
"Mrow! That wasn't part of the plan!"
"It is now!"
Meowscles was so overcome with rage, that he flipped up the table.
Blocks went flying everywhere, one went into Skye's Mythic AR perched on the wall, sending shots into a sticker of a star with a smiley face.
"Damn! I liked that one!" Skye said, inspecting the burnt remnants of the sticker.
"Headshot!" Meowscles grumbled. He left soon after.
Skye decided to text TnTina to take her mind off of the situation. However, TnTina had beaten her to it.
<TnT_Tina> Hi
<Skye_:D> Hey Tina!
<TnT_Tina> Where are you?!
<Skye_:D> What
<TnT_Tina> Surely you heard about the meeting?
<GMidas> Well apparently not
<Skye_:D> Midas! What's Tina talking about???
<GMidas> You're late
<Skye_:D> To what?
<TnT_Tina> The meeting! Don't tell you forgot again
<Skye_:D> Yeah :(
<GMidas> Hurry up. You have five minutes and counting. At the helicopter pad.
Skye didn't reply, she had no time.
"Come on, Ollie! We have to go!"
Before Ollie could reply, Skye threw him on the ground and climbed on. If there was one thing she could remember from the dream, it was that he could fly.
And they did.
"WOOOOHOOOO!!" Skye screamed.
They flew through the corridors and past henchmen.
They included Maya's boyfriend Swift, William the computer genius, and Joe, who always seemed to be missing his trousers.
"Hey Joe! Have you found your trousers yet?"
"Yes! I think they're in the vending machine again!"
"Heh heh! Good luck!"
"Thanks, Skye!"
Skye always remembered Joe had a total of 23 red hearts on his underwear, making him seem like a villain from a movie aimed at 5 or 6 year olds.


"Ah! Ollie! We're running out of time!"
"I'm going as fast as I can!"


"Uh oh! We got like 15 seconds!"
"We're here!"
Skye picked up Ollie from beneath her and ran over to where the others were stood.
"Here!" Skye gasped.
"1 second left," Midas frowned,"You are committed, I'll give you that."
Skye knew she was in trouble, so she closed her eyes to face the music.


Word Count: 800
Skye Count: 43

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