Chapter 2: The Mission

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Skye waited for the music, but it never came.
"Uh, Midas? Are you going to shout at me or something?" Skye asked Midas.
"No! People say I'm mean, but I'm not a monster!" Midas responded.
"Oh," Skye said.
"Hey, Skye, you cut that close," TnTina laughed.
"I thought you veren't coming! Ve vere vorried about you!" Brutus said. Brutus originally came from Russia, but moved to The Agency when he was offered the job. For some reason, he couldn't get hang of his Ws.
"Yo, Brutus!" Skye giggled.
"Anyway, the meeting..." Midas began,"So, I'm sure you've all heard of Jules, my younger cousin. The henchmen refer to her as 'The Engineer' since she's been helping out with my machines. I got a diploma for Maths and English, but also for Designing stuff. Jules helps with making my dreams into reality. So, me and Jules have created a new vehicle which should help with getting around the island, as the Motorboats aren't exactly efficient. So, we created this..."
Midas pulled a sheet off of a large machine behind him. It was undoubtedly a helicopter. Bright orange paint covered the vehicle and the word 'Choppa' was engraved on the tail.
"Behold, the Choppa! This helicopter model has been created to add variety to your mobility, and should be useful when going to the mountain range nearby. However, they can be shot down. They have 1,500 HP and can hold up to 5 people - 1 pilot and 4 passengers. When the Choppa's health is low, locate deep water to drop into. They should be useful in the upcoming mission I'm sending you on."
"A mission?" Skye whispered to TnTina and Brutus.
"Keep listening," Brutus replied.
Midas retrieved a disc (also made by Jules) from his pocket, with the words 'Holograph 6000' written next to a small blue light. He threw it on the ground and a large head was projected into the sky.
"This," Midas continued,"is Deadpool."
"Deadpool?! I gotta get his autograph!" TnTina chirped. She had a book she kept autographs in. Granted, she hadn't gotten anyone famous yet, but it was her dream.
The projection changed to feature the island and a table with the agents on it.
"You will all go to different areas to search for Deadpool and bring him to me. Meowscles and I will go to the south east, with Lazy Lake and Misty Meadows. Our Strike Team EGO are currently in the south west in Slurpy Swamp, investigating something. Maya, Peely and Contract Giller will go to the north east with Frenzy Farm and Craggy Cliffs. Finally, Skye, Tina and Brutus are heading to the north west with Salty Springs and Pleasant Park."
"Yes! We're together!" Skye said, while doing an air punch.
"OK, now you know what you are doing, it's dinnertime, eat up and make a plan for the mission."
"I'm hungry, let's go!" TnTina shouted. Skye and Brutus nodded in agreement and followed TnTina, chatting all the way.
As everyone peeled away, Midas picked up the Holograph 6000. He looked at his reflection for a few seconds before the machine was turned to gold. Even the light was glowing yellow.
"Skye..." Midas whispered.

Skye sat down at a table with Brutus, Tina and a few henchmen.
"Hey, Joe! Looks like you got your trousers back!"
"Yeah, but I'll have to search again tomorrow!"
"Ha! Don't lose them again!"
"I won't!"
Skye sat down and messily dug into her spaghetti. What she was most excited for was her dessert. A muffin - her favourite.
"Looks like muffins are on the menu!" Brutus smiled.
Skye savored all of her food, and discussed a plan. Skye suggested that Deadpool could be in The Agency beneath their noses. Brutus also said that using a boat would be more convenient than the Choppa because their area was mostly water. The plan was small, but it worked.
Now it was time for Skye to dig into her muffin.
But it was gone.
"Hey, Tina, have you seen my muffin?"
"No, ask Brutus."
"Hey, Brutus, have you seen my muffin?"
"Sorry, Skye, I vould tell you if I found it."
Skye felt so angry. How could she have let her muffin be stolen.
Brutus felt bad, so he said,"Here, you can have mine."
But Skye didn't feel good about taking it.
"It's OK, Brutus. I'll just wait until next week."

Skye collapsed into her bed.
"Ugh, Ollie, I had such a rough day."
"Why? You got a mission, that's good, right?"
"Yeah, but I was almost late, and no one told me."
"But you got there, with a second to spare!"
"One second, Ollie."
"OK... it was muffin day today! That's your favourite!"
"My muffin was stolen, and I don't know who did it."
"Did you ask people?"
"Oh, have a good night's sleep, and take your mind off it."
Skye opened up her phone and logged into Wattpad, a platform where you could post stories. Skye hated writing, so she just read others stories.
She kept reading until she dosed off mid-sentence.
She closed her eyes and let herself relax.

"Ollie, you're back! Where have you been?" said the Elder Floof.
"Look what I found in the forest," Ollie replied, showing him the sleeping girl of about 3 or 4 on his back.
"I found her father dead, and there were some men wearing black nearby. Her name's Skye."
"What do you suppose we do with her?"
"We have to look after her."
"We can't keep her here."
"What do you mean? Do you suppose we should just leave her to die?"
"If we can't find anyone, then yes."
Ollie stared at the Elder with disbelief. He knew it was part of the code not to let any other species into the the Grand Tree, but leaving a child to die? Not only that, but one that couldn't possibly fend for themselves?
"But, Elder Floof, it's a child!"
"If you want to stay with her, then you can't stay here."
Ollie thought for a second. Leaving his hometown seemed unthinkable. The whole Morphable population lived in this tree. If he split away from them, would he ever see his family or friends again? But if he left Skye, she would be sure to die. He had to do that he thought was right.
"F-fine then!" Ollie exclaimed.
"Are you sure? You won't be able to come back."
"OK then. Goodbye Ollie, it was a pleasure meeting you."
Elder Floof tapped his staff of the floor and Ollie and Skye were teleported to somewhere random in the forest.
That's when Ollie realised he didn't know what the Floofle Tree was anymore.

Skye woke up sweating.
"Woah, Skye, are you OK?!" Ollie asked.
Skye didn't respond, she just picked Ollie up and gave him a big hug.
"Thank you, Ollie," Skye sobbed, tears streaming down her face.
"Uhhh you're welcome...?" Ollie replied.
Ollie had saved Skye when she was a child, she had to repay him.
"The dream. A saw a new part of the dream. You saved me, Ollie. You could've left me to die," Skye explained.
"What? We have to put it in the travel guide!"
"The travel guide?"
"Don't you remember? You made it when you were 10 to keep track of our adventures!"
"Oh yeah! I should include the whole thing!"
Skye and Ollie took note of the dream in the book and they couldn't have had a better time.
At around 10 o clock, Brutus and TnTina came into Skye's room to discuss plans for the mission, but instead helped Skye with scrapbooking.
This is what Skye liked doing most. Not games or even adventures, no, she liked being with her friends.
When it was time for breakfast, Skye tucked her book into her rucksack. It was brown and she had a badge on it depicting a badge of a tree she was not familiar with. It also contained her blue sword, her AR, her Grappler and a plush of Ollie that she made herself.
However, on the way, Skye saw what could only be the EGO Strike Team with one of their members on a bed. 8-Ball was panicking, he had no shirt on and he had bandages around a wound in his chest, that was seeped in blood. Skye saw that the bandage was none other than Joe's trousers. How was she going to explain this to him?
"Woah, what happened here?!" TnTina gasped.
"Scratch, h-he killed m-me...!" 8-Ball explained, placing a bloody hand onto Brutus' perfectly grey suit.
"Damn...!" Brutus said. That suit was his favourite (granted they were all the same).
As 8-Ball was rushed off to the hospital wing, Skye, Ollie, Brutus and TnTina looked at each other.
Could Deadpool do this to them?


Word Count: 1400
Skye Count: 38

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