Your best Friend and why? (TVD)

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(Next will be 2 of the same thing for The Originals and Legacies)


Damon- Stefan because Stefan was the only one who knew Damon well so when Damon was in one of his moods, you had Stefan to turn to and ask him what was going on and what not to do so that Damon doesn't get mad

Stefan- Lexi because when she was still alive, Stefan introduced you two hoping you guys would be best friends and of course you guys were. You guys went shopping and went to the Grille. Stefan was pretty jealous

Jeremy- Elena because she actually introduced you guys. Elena knew you and Jeremy would like each other and soon after figured out your crushes on each other and decided she needed to put you guys together so she did. Both of you still thank her to this day

Tyler- Caroline because she put you two together. Yes they did date but she realized Tyler was better for you and you were better for Tyler so she did anything to make sure you guys became together and now she's moved on with Stefan and is happy for you guys and you still thank her

Alaric- Damon because when Alaric introduced the two or you, you guys just connected with stuff you both loved and Alaric was happy that his 2 best friends became friends and Damon has made a promise really to himself to protect you from harm

Enzo- Caroline because you guys have been friends before you met Enzo. You guys became friends in earlier years of high school and she was extremely protective of you when she became a vampire and was and still is extremely supportive of your relationship with Enzo

Kai- No one because everyone was mad about your relationship with Kai and when they said either you choose them or Kai and you choose Kai, they all stopped talking to you and even though it hurt you're happy with Kai


Elena- Bonnie because she was so supportive of your relationship right away. Caroline was weird towards you for a while but became your friend later but Bonnie loved you right away and did everything to protect you and bring you to hang out with them for Elena to spend time with you and for Bonnie to know more about you

Caroline- Elena because she knew Caroline had feelings for you. At first Caroline and Elena had a weird friendship if you can call it that but Elena realized the way Caroline looked at you and since you were friends with Elena and Bonnie they both worked together but mostly Elena to help Caroline ask you out and you guys have been going strong since then (of course with some fights)

Bonnie- Stefan because Stefan saved you many times. Stefan has always kept an eye on you from how much you mean to Elena, Bonnie and Caroline and honestly everyone in that group so he kept his eyes on you and when Klaus tried to kill you once, Stefan wasted no time to save you and Bonnie has always thanked him for that and that helped your friendship become stronger with Stefan

Katherine- No one because again everyone was angry about your relationship with Katherine and they didn't even give you a choice because they knew Katherine would come after them so they stopped talking to you instantly but you didn't care right away. You had Katherine and she had you that's all that matters

Sorry I have taken out Matt and Lexi because I haven't had any ideas for them so I'm sorry

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