Josie Part 2

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It's been a few days since everyone remembered you and you haven't seen Josie lately. You've seen Landon but not Josie which was weird but you thought she didn't remember you so it wasn't your problem to deal with.

It was definitely rough to be back knowing that the girl who made you feel loved and protect no longer knew you and was now dating your best guy friend but as long as she was happy, you were happy even if that meant not being with her.

"Lizzie I don't know what to do" Josie tells Lizzie. The two sitting in Josie's room talking as she finally remembered you and knew she had to choose between you and Landon

"I know Jo" Lizzie says and rubs her sister arm
"I love Y/N but I also love Landon" Josie says not knowing what to do or who to choose
"Why didn't she/he/they tell us that she/he/they were back" Josie says looking into Lizzie's eyes. Lizzie frowns as she remembers your answer to that same question she had for you
"She/he/they were going to but she/he/they saw all of us happy and smiling and thought we were happier without her/him/them. Then she/he/they saw you and Landon......she/he/they saw you guys and didn't want to ruin your happiness so she/he/they said nothing" Lizzie says

she/he/they saw you guys and didn't want to ruin your happiness so she/he/they said nothing" Lizzie says

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Josie stands there shocked as well yes Landon did make her happy. He wasn't you. He could never be you. You were the love of her life.

"I'm not happy without her/him/them" Josie says
"Well when you're with Landon, it doesn't seem that way" Lizzie says and gets up, leaving the room, leaving Josie in her thoughts

Then she hears something and turns to see Penelope's notebook

(In this I'm sorry if you guys ship Josie and Penelope but in this they were only best friends and Penelope gave Josie the notebook)

She opens it to see what Landon was writing

What have I done? I know that I didn't remember Y/N when me and Josie kissed but I feel guilty. I was supposed to be a good friend but instead I kissed her/his/their girlfriend and she/he/they saw! I've tried talking to Y/N but she/he/they've have ignored me every time. I know Josie has to choose and I hope she chooses Y/N. They are cute and I just got involved when I shouldn't have. I hope Y/N can forgive me one day.

Josie lifts her head up, realizing what she has to do

Josie lifts her head up, realizing what she has to do

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She had to get her girl/boy/significant other back

Josie runs away the campus looking for you when she finds you on the dock.

She smiles and head towards you

"Hey" Josie says and sits down next to you
"Hey" You say not allowing your eyes to leave the water
"So I chose...." Josie starts but you were quick to cut her off
"Josie I know you chose Landon just please don't say it" you says and look into her eyes with tears starting to run down your face
Josie pulls you in and kisses you
"I choose you"

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