Hayley (Feat Hope, Klaus, Salvatores, Elijah)

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Me and Nik have been best friends since we have been born

I was with him with New Orleans but left when the Salvatores needed me which means this was before that Hayley chick I think that was her name arrived in New Orleans

I was on Mystic Falls with everyone and honestly it was fun but it was no New Orleans and I really missed Klaus and his siblings especially Kol which was shocking

I was sitting in the Salvatore Boarding House with Stefan since Damon was most likely out with Elena when I got a call from Nik

"Hello Nik?" I say as I go outside since I didn't want Stefan listening to my conversation even though he probably already was

"Hey Y/N....I really need you to come back to New Orleans" Nik said and that caught me off guard because not only did I decide to leave New Orleans but Nik felt like it was better for me to leave New Orleans

"Why? Nik what is going on?" I ask worried, what if something happened to Elijah? Rebekah? Kol?

"Me and Hayley did something.....now she's pregnant....." Klaus tells me slowly and I laugh

"Klaus there's no way" I say while laughing and Klaus sighs

"Just come to New Orleans please" he begs and then hangs up

I decided to go back to New Orleans

I arrived in New Orleans and I was welcomed by a huge hug from everyone

Klaus pulls me aside and explained everything and I couldn't believe him

That was until Hayley walked out when she heard my voice and was worried because she didn't recognize my voice

I look at her and my breath was taken away but I decided not to say anything but then my eyes widen when I noticed Hayley's huge stomach

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I look at her and my breath was taken away but I decided not to say anything but then my eyes widen when I noticed Hayley's huge stomach

"Oh my god...." I say and Klaus slightly smirks but it fades as quickly as it showed up

"Believe me now" he said and I slowly nodded

Well looks like I'm gonna be protecting a pregnant wolf.....fun


So many things have happened this last few months

All of us protecting Hayley and Hayley about to give birth any day now

Oh yeah me and Hayley are secretly dating

We're secretly dating because as of right now with Hayley pregnant we know that all of my enemies which is because of me saving Klaus's butt all the time, we knew they would come for Hayley and she couldn't protect herself with her carrying the baby so when she gave birth we would tell everyone


Hayley was giving birth and her and nice were in the church together and me and Elijah were outside

We then both felt horrible headaches coming along and we went down as we saw the witches run out and we caught eye of them holding the baby but because of the headache we couldn't stop them

Me and Elijah looked at each other when the headaches were over and we rushed into the church and my heart broke as I saw the scene before me

Me and Elijah looked at each other when the headaches were over and we rushed into the church and my heart broke as I saw the scene before me

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I felt jealously in me as Elijah bent down and rub Hayley's cheeks but I didn't say anything

I put my head down as tears rushed down my face....she couldn't be gone....she promised me not to leave me

Later we were fighting the witches and Elijah rushed off the the baby and when they knocked Klaus out they pushed me against the table and put my arms and legs down as they tried to do what they wanted to do to the baby....they wanted to kill me

I tried to fight it but I couldn't move but I then heard someone helping Nik up but I didn't pay attention until I heard someone yell

"NO!" I heard the voice yell and I looked over and saw Hayley.....along with Klaus


I walked down the stairs as I talked to Kol when I saw Hayley and Hope

I smiled at them and even though Hayley is 17 she still was like our little baby because she saw me and rushed to me and hugged me

After Hayley gave birth and came back to life we got married and I've been in Hope's life ever since she was born

I finally was happy for the first time ever since I became a vampire and that's all because of Hayley and Hope and I guess Klaus to since without him Hope wouldn't be possible but besides that

I finally felt like I had a real family with all of the Mikaelsons and everything just felt right

Me and Hope were hugging as I was talking to her about school just asking how it was going and I wasn't paying attention to how Hayley was staring at us

Me and Hope were hugging as I was talking to her about school just asking how it was going and I wasn't paying attention to how Hayley was staring at us

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Hey guys so this was requested by nugsnotwar

I hope all of you guys liked this and I'm gonna be doing a new character besides Hayley for the new imagine but who will that be? You have to wait to find out

Love you guys❤️

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