Rebekah Mikaelson (The Outbreak)

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This idea randomly came into my mind and I have no idea how it's gonna turn out

"Funny how in just one moment, things can turn upside down"

It's been 3 months since the zombie apocalypse started. The once beautiful city of New Orleans became a ghost town with blood, bodies, and zombies walking throughout the street. The Mikaelsons were lucky as they were vampires and not only could quickly get away but also the zombies weren't drawn to them.

They were drawn to you though. You were human as you didn't want to be a vampire. You didn't know why but you just didn't want to. Your girlfriend Rebekah accepted that as she didn't even think she was going to be strong enough to do it.

The Mikaelsons have been keeping you safe. You were there main priority. Any time you needed food, they would get it, medicine, they got it. You were very thankful for them. Everything was fine for you. It was hard to look out onto the streets seeing zombies of people you once knew

Selena, a once bartender that you were friends with, not best friends but friendly, Liam a football player who had a bright future ahead of him but now that was gone. You couldn't look at them and quickly went back inside. You always asked yourself this same question ever since the apocalypse started, why did I survive? You weren't even with the Mikaelsons at that point as you were out shopping when this all started.

You remembered it very clearly. You were at the grocery store when you heard some commotion. You heard people screaming in fear so you looked and see someone with veins all over them, eating away at the cashiers neck. You stood there shocked as people pushed past you to get to safety. You finally broke out of your shocked state and rushed out of the grocery store into the arms of your girlfriend who saw what was going on and rushed to find you. You look around to see more people becoming infected as three looked at you, making there way toward you and Rebekah. Rebekah noticed and rushed you back to the compound where the rest of the Mikaelsons were waiting for you and Rebekah.

That day will always stick with you. You heard noises from downstairs so you walked downstairs thinking it was one of the Mikaelsons. You didn't try to hide as you knew it was safe from zombies getting in. However you were wrong as immediately you were ambushed by three zombies trying to bite you. You fell to the ground and instantly felt a pain in your arm but you didn't see anything. You busted one zombie in the head and then you saw Hayley and Rebekah rush in and bash the other two zombies. You sighed and got up and hugged Rebekah tight.

You were standing there, helping the Mikaelsons with a plan to get all of you out of New Orleans. They had to safe with you. You stood there most of the time as you didn't know what to say. You noticed to started to get sweated so you took off your jacket thinking that would help. You then looked down at your long sleeved shirt and noticed blood on one of your sleeves. You thought it must've been from one of the zombies you or Rebekah had killed but you quickly went into the bathroom to make sure. You were shocked from what you saw

You had been bitten. You instantly started to cry as the black veins started to show on your arms and it was only a matter of time before you would start to turn. You didn't know what to do. You rushed out of the bathroom and changed your shirt, hoping to hide the bite

You put your jacket back on and sat down as not only did your temperature start to rise but you started to feel weaker. Rebekah noticed and came to you. She thought all the stress of this whole apocalypse was finally getting to you. Once the Mikaelsons packed all their bags, Rebekah helped you up. You guys started walking, staying safe from the zombies until you got to the end of New Orleans. That's when you guys noticed it had been fenced off to keep the infected people from infected more of everyone else. It was only in New Orleans.

You knew you had to stop them as you didn't want to cause more a problem. You stopped Rebekah and she and everyone else turned to you. You looked around at them before lifting up with your sleeve after removing your jacket

They all were shocked but they didn't know when or how you could've been bitten before you started talking

"When you guys were gone, I heard some noises downstairs so I thought you guys were home but when I went downstairs, I was ambushed by three zombies. One must've bit me before I noticed" you said and looked at Rebekah who had tears in her eyes knowing your fate that was about to come

You instantly felt weak and fell to your knees but Rebekah caught you. She laid you down in her lap as you started sweating even harder, more black veins beginning to overtake your neck and now your face.

"I'm so sorry Rebekah. Thank you for being the best girlfriend I've ever had, I'm so sorry this is the end of us that neither one of us wanted. I'll always love you, even as a zombie. Please move on to someone else. I love you Rebekah Mikaelson" you say as Rebekah shakes her head

"You're the only person I've loved like this in all the years I've been alive. I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you and now I'm losing you to this virus. I'll always love you. Until we meet again my love" she says and you smile, closing your eyes finally

Rebekah gently places you down on the ground and stands up. Everyone hugs her and they start to walk to the gates of New Orleans. Once they made it without any zombies following. They looked back but then jumped when hundreds of zombies ran into the gate, trying to get it opened. Rebekah's heard broke as she saw one of them was you. You were now really infected with your once bright (your eye color) eyes now a faded color and your whole body now covered head to toe in black veins

The army looked at the Mikaelsons. They announced to them that they had no choice but to shoot the zombies. Rebekah screamed no as she knew they would kill all of them including you. She rushed to stop them but Klaus held her as he knew it was for the best. The army began shooting and Rebekah was forced to watch as you were shot and your body hit the ground.

She crawled to the gate where she was able to see you there as she cried. The Mikaelsons all hugged her as she whispered the last thing she ever said to you

"Until we meet again my love"

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