Lizzie Part 3 (Including Hope)

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Tonight was the 80's decades dance and you were super excited. It's been a few months since you returned and lost Lizzie but you've been getting closer and closer to Hope and you would be lying if you said that you didn't start to have feelings for the tribrid.

Hope asked you to go with her and of course you said yes. You had just finished getting dressed when someone knocked on your door so you went to open it and you see Hope. She looked so beautiful.

 She looked so beautiful

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You blushed. She smiles at you and asks if you're ready to go. You gently grab her hand and you head to the dance together. Everyone cheers when they see you guys as everyone has been shipping the two of you.

The dance was just starting and it was amazing, however you have yet to see Lizzie. You didn't really pay attention to Lizzie or anyone else for that matter expect for Hope as you just couldn't keep your eyes off her.

Maybe she was with her new lover or maybe something was wrong but you felt like since you left it wasn't your job to go make sure she's okay anymore so you just decided to stop thinking about Lizzie and enjoy your night with Hope.

Then it turned into a slow song so you and Hope just started dancing slow together and something was telling you to kiss Hope, You couldn't stop the urges and again Lizzie had moved on so you knew it was time for you to move on as well.

So you actually listened and kissed Hope and thankfully she kissed back. You guys pulled away and she smiles at you and you laugh as you guys continue dancing together.

After hearing that you were going with Hope. Lizzie and Josie teamed up to hopefully get you and Lizzie back together. When they entered the dance, they saw you and Hope kissing. Lizzie just stopped as she watched. She finally knew how you felt after seeing her and Sebastian kiss.

"Come on, you can get her/him/them back" Josie tries to pull on lizzie's arm but Lizzie doesn't move

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"Come on, you can get her/him/them back" Josie tries to pull on lizzie's arm but Lizzie doesn't move

"No" she says not wanting to look up to meet the new couple that everyone has been shipping even when you and Lizzie were together

"What why? You love her/him/them, go get her/him/them back" Josie says but Lizzie just looks at her

"I have to let her/him/them go" Lizzie says

"Are you sure?" Josie asks

Lizzie stays silent and can't seem to keep her eyes off you and Hope. How happy you are with her.

Now all she could do was wish that it was her instead of Hope.

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