Elijah Mikaelson

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This is a request from im-idiot00

Elijah never was a clingy person as he put up the gentlemen persona and didn't want people to think of him as weak

However, one day after you had gotten hurt, that changed

You and Elijah had been in mystic falls to take a break from New Orleans and well Klaus particularly. Damon had recently turned off his humanity and once he saw you and Elijah and was able to tell you were human by your blood and heartbeat, set his sights on you

Stefan and Elena both noticed he was heading after you so he gave Elijah a heads up but Damon already was after you. Elijah protected you the best he could but Damon quickly overpowered him when Elijah turned to look at you. Damon instantly rushed you away from Elijah and into the woods where he held you up by your neck

You clawed at his hand but of course nothing worked. Damon heard noises from behind him so he turned around with your back pressed against his chest holding you by your neck with his forearm. Elijah appeared and begged Damon to let you go. However Damon had other plans as he then bit his wrist and forced his blood down your throat (like Damon did to Elena)

Elijah tried to get to you but Damon was about to snap your neck but thankfully Stefan snapped his neck to put him down for now. You sighed out of a relief and rushed to Elijah arms. Elijah quickly thanked Stefan and rushed you home so that the vampire blood and can get out of your system.

You had woken up from a nap. You looked around but didn't see Elijah so you went downstairs and there he was, reading a book. You smiled and sat down next to him as you cuddled into his side. He put his arm around you and pulled you closer to him

After about an hour of sitting there with Elijah, you got up to get something to eat when Elijah went with you and refused to remove his arms from around you. This wasn't like Elijah but you weren't complaining as you loved this side of Elijah.

You stood there making a sandwich while Elijah kept his arms around you, his head on your shoulder. As you finished your food, Elijah turned you around and gently kissed you. You kissed back and quickly pulled away to turn back around and eat. Elijah chuckled and you guys went back to your positions on the couch.

Elijah again pulled you back into his side. As you were trying to find something to watch, Elijah nuzzled his face into your neck as you giggled. You gently pulled away from Elijah to look into his eyes. You were about to talk to him when Elijah quickly kissed you. He pulled you into his lap as he wrapped his arms around your face. You quickly pulled away but stayed in his lap

"Elijah what's going on? You're not normally his clingy but I'm not complaining but this isn't like you" you ask and Elijah looks down before looking back into your eyes
"Today I could've lost you, if not for Stefan you would've become one of us and I don't want that life for you. I feel like I don't show you how much I love you enough so that's why I'm being clingy" he said

You felt like crying from his confession so you just leaned forward and kissed him again. He pulled you closer to him as you guys had a make out session right there.

After a few minutes you guys pulled away but you still stayed in his arms as he wasn't going to let you go anyways. You wrapped you guys in a blanket before finding a movie to watch and had a fun night with Elijah with kissing, cuddling, eating and watching tv.

The next night you guys would go on a date when the vampire blood was finally out of your system.

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