When they're jealous (TO)

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Klaus Mikaelson-
Klaus was very jealous of everyone who even looks at you. Klaus always felt like you could do better than him so it made him protective.

Klaus was out talking to Marcel. You were sitting on the couch talking to Elijah. You could easily talk to Elijah and that made you happy. He would make sure you knew what to expect from Klaus and if Klaus is in a bad mood what to do and not to do.

You guys were just talking when Klaus storms in, looks at you guys and without saying anything storms upstairs. You look at Elijah who also looks at you confused so you rush upstairs to Klaus to see if maybe Marcel said something that made him upset

You see Klaus sketching something but it wasn't in his usual nice and happy way it was angry. You quietly walked up to him but you knew he heard you from his hearing but you touched his shoulder which he then ripped away and turned to look at you. The look in his eyes scared you as he looked angry

"Nik? What's going on?" You ask and try to walk back up to him but he stops you by gently but with a strong force, by pushing you up against the wall

"What is going on with you and Elijah?" He asks his tone rough which makes you flinch
"Nik there's nothing-" you try to say but he just interrupts you

"No there is something going on! Everyone thinks that. Marcel brought you guys up today and how I can't make you happy like he does and he's right. Elijah is the better brother. He's the noble one that everyone likes while I'm the messed up brother that everyone hates and goes after. I'm a monster Y/N so if you want to be with Elijah I'll let you go so you can be happy." He says and you've never seen Klaus look so broken then he did right then and there

You lift his chin up so his beautiful eyes were staring at you and grabbed his face and kissed him

He kissed back and wrapped his arms around your waist while you wrapped yours around his neck

"Klaus...I don't want Elijah, I want you. You're the one who I fell in love with and will always love. I made a promise to you and I'm never gonna break that promise. Always and forever right?" You ask and he smiles that smirk of his (that smirk😍)

You smile and kiss him again. He lifts you up so your legs are wrapped around his waist and he rushes you guys to the bed for some making up

Elijah Mikaelson-
Elijah always wanted you to remember that he loved you and he did that by taking you out on dates.

Elijah never liked to show his jealous side as he didn't think he should bring a gentlemen and all but sometimes it happened to shine through especially when the waiter started to flirt with you in front of him

It was a normal date night. Elijah pulled your chair out for you and both of you were looking at the menu when the waiter came up to you guys. You did admit he was cute but he wasn't your Elijah. The waiter smiled at you and it kinda faded when he noticed Elijah but he still kept the smile

"Hello Beautiful/Handsome/Perfect, what can I get you to drink?" He asks and Elijah starts to grip the edge of the table as he couldn't believe a waiter would be flirting with his significant other in front of him

"Hmmm I'll have (Your favorite drink), Elijah honey what do you want to drink?" You ask looking up at him to hopefully not only calm him down but also to make sure the waiter knew you were taken

"Umm I'll have a water" Elijah says and looks at the waiter who gives Elijah a scoff and dirty look before going off to get your drinks

"I can't believe that someone working here would flirt with my significant other right in front of me" Elijah snaps quietly and you smile but move to sit and to him and hold onto his arm

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