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This is an idea from teenwolfgurlll 

Its been about 6 days since you've seen Hayley or any of the mikaelsons for that matter. You decided to take a break from the supernatural world and just take a vacation in a cabin. It was beautiful cabin you owned and you were happy to get away but you missed the Mikaelsons and your crush Hayley. It was a full moon and you became worried as you remembered Hayley would be turning.

You were starting to get ready for the day as you start to hear noises, you get concerned thinking someone was coming to attack you so you grab a weapon and go outside. You look to where you heard the noise from and instead of seeing a intruder trying to kill you or turn you into a vampire, you see a wolf. You had no idea this wolf was Hayley

You scrambled back to get away when the wolf quickly approached you. You prepared yourself for impact when the wolf gently rubbed its face against your cheek. You were confused and looked into the eyes of the wolf which you noticed was Hayley.

"Hayley?" You ask and the wolf nods

You're supposed to be back to normal by now, what happened?" You ask and Hayley puts her head down which you couldn't tell if she was telling you that she didn't know or she just couldn't answer

You let Hayley in, who immediately laid down on the couch and fell asleep. You just smiled at the wolf. You leaned down and kiss her head and started to run your fingers through her fur. You decided to text Freya to see if she can do anything before Hayley wakes up or how long she would be like this

You took out your phone and texted freya

You sighed and looked at the sleeping wolf

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You sighed and looked at the sleeping wolf. You got up and decided to head back to sleep yourself. You felt like you should leave Hayley alone as you guys weren't together (you wished) but you weren't. You laid down and just looked up at your ceiling thinking about why Hayley would come to you when she could've gone back to the Mikaelsons

You finally fell asleep and you are awoken to something wet touching your nose. You open your eyes and instantly you become face to face with the wolf. You jumped as you forgot Hayley was still in wolf form but you calmed down remembering the girl you loved was there

You sat up and the wolf stared at you as if she was waiting for you to say something

"So Freya said it could take 2 days but you could just turn back at any time during that" you said and the wolf just nodded and headed back downstairs. Even as a wolf Hayley was strange

You just finished up some work that you needed to do, not knowing the wolf behind you was staring at you the whole time. You felt yourself start to get tired as it was getting late but you decided to watch a movie. You looked around for Hayley but didn't see her. You didn't pay attention as you thought she went to lay down in your bed as you knew the full moon tired her out. You turned on (your favorite movie) when you heard noises behind you

You turned around and instead of seeing the wolf you now were used to seeing, you see Hayley

You smiled at her and noticed she had something in her hand, your journal. You wrote down everything as you felt like it helped get your emotions out without taking it out on anyone. You would write down when you're happy, sad, angry and all those and you remember you wrote about your crush on Hayley.

Your eyes widen and she stared at you and you noticed she started to get nervous which wasn't normal for Hayley

Your eyes widen and she stared at you and you noticed she started to get nervous which wasn't normal for Hayley

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"So I found this in your room. I didn't know you had a crush on me" she says as she hands you the journal back. You just blushed as you didn't know what to say

"Yeah well honestly no one did" you say putting the book on the couch next to you. The next few minutes were awkward as neither you or Hayley said anything. You decided to break the silence

"Look Hayley I know you don't feel the same and it's fine but please don't let this ruin the friendship we have. I still need you in my life" you say looking into her eyes so she knows your serious

Hayley don't say anything, all she does is walk towards you, lean down over the back of the couch and presses her lips to yours. You wrapped your arms around her as she kept hers on the back of the couch to keep herself up

You guys pull away and instantly you blush and start to stutter not knowing what to say

Hayley chuckles at that "you're cute" she says and leans back up straight. "I like you too, don't ever doubt my feelings for you again" she says seriously and you nod

Hayley decided it was time for her to go back as she needed to shower bad and she needed to see Hope. You walked with her to Rebekah in her car. You waved at Rebekah who gladly waved back at you. Hayley turned back around to look at you

"Thank you for looking after me while I was stuck as a dog" she says which makes you laugh
"You're welcome" you say and you guys just stare at each other when Hayley leans in again and kisses you. This time she wraps her arms around your waist and you wrap yours around her neck. You guys pull away as Rebekah presses the horn.

Hayley presses one more sweet and gentle kiss to your lips before heading into the car, driving off with Rebekah

You walked back into your cabin and leaned against the door. You couldn't believe what happened and you weren't complaining. Hayley felt the same way and she kissed you. You were happy and excited to go back in a few days to see her again

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