Running your/their fingers through your/their hair (TVD)

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Damon Salvatore-
Whether Damon admitted it or not, he loved when you played with his hair. It was his guilty pleasure. Some days when he needed it, he would just lean his head on your lap and you would run your fingers through his hair and other days he would just come over to your house and sit there in front of you and have you run your fingers through his hair.

Unlike your boyfriend, you were still in school so you were sitting on your bed, on the phone with Bonnie helping each other with your homework when you felt your phone get snatched out of your hand and you turned to look at your side, scared.

"Okay Bon Bon time for me to talk to Y/N. Bye bye now" Damon says as he hangs up the phone and sits in front of you after moving your books away. You look at him amused

"Yes Mr. Salvatore? You need something?" You ask and smile

"Yes, I need you to run your fingers through my hair" he says and gently grabs your hand to do just that.

You laugh and run your fingers through his soft hair as he leans his head down to your lap. He laid there letting you do what you do as he talks to you about his past

Stefan Salvatore-
Stefan was so sweet. You couldn't believe you were able to call him yours. He was always worried about you and always wanted to make sure you were alright.

You were just getting back from being with your parents for the weekend when it wasn't even 10 minutes and someone knocked on the door

You smiled and rushed downstairs and opened the door to Stefan. You smiled and jumped into his arms and he hugged you tight. He has already been invited in. He laid both of you down on your bed as you laugh and kiss him. He laughed and laid next to you

He just stared at you and began to run his fingers through your hair. Your eyes closed in content

He talked to you about what happened while you were gone. Apparently Klaus had come back into town and now his whole family followed him and he was causing problems for Elena and Damon.

I sighed and could tell Stefan was stressed so I gently ran my fingers through his hair just like he was doing to me. We both smiled and I talked to him about what I did with my family as he finally looked at peace

Jeremy Gilbert-
You and Jeremy have been through so much together. You were with him when he lost his parents and then Vicki and then Jenna and then Bonnie. You guys developed feelings for each other during that time and you were his happiness that he didn't think he would ever find again.

Never did you think that he would lose someone so close to him again. After Elena was put to sleep, it broke Jeremy. He barely left his room after learning about Elena.

You gently knocked on his door. You heard him say come in so you walked in and it broke your heart to see him so broken. You rushed to him and held him in your arms as he broke down.

"My own sister. The only family I had left." He cried which broke you heart even more. You just held him tight and started to run your fingers through his hair to calm him down.

Jeremy started to calm down so you took him downstairs to take care of himself. You knew he was far from okay but right now he had you so he was okay and would be okay as the days go by having you by his side

Tyler Lockwood-
It was a rough night for not only Tyler but you as well. It was a full moon and you had to leave Tyler locked up in a room all by himself all night. Now you've done this many times but it never gets easier. All you wanted to do was to run and take him in your arms but you couldn't as it could be deadly for you being a vampire.

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