Where they like to kiss you (All)

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Damon Salvatore-
Damon loved kissing your stomach. It wasn't a secret that you and Damon were very intimate, I mean it's Damon were talking about. He always had his hands on you and most of that time that would become something else later that night.

He loved kissing your stomach so that he could always show you that he loved your body no matter what. He also loved it because that means he could make marks that only you and him could see which he loved

Stefan Salvatore-
Stefan definitely loved kissing your forehead. It made him feel safe to kiss you. He would never kiss your neck as he was afraid the ripper side of him would kill you. He loved kissing your forehead because he can then look into your eyes afterwards and he was comfortable with it but also it was far form your neck to the point that your blood rushing through your veins no longer bothered him

At school, you guys didn't have many classes together so when it came time for that class that you guys didn't have together, you guys would be at your locker. He would kiss your forehead, letting his lips linger and then pull away. Every time he did it, it made you always smile not mattering your mood beforehand

Jeremy Gilbert-
Jeremy loved kissing your cheek as honestly that's all he could kiss without getting a lecture from Elena. While Elena liked you and thought you were perfect for Jeremy, she always saw Jeremy as her baby and I mean baby brother so she always give him a lecture if he even dared kiss you anywhere else

You guys would be talking at you locker, Elena keeping an eye on you guys in the distance. The bell rang and people started to head to class. Jeremy told you he loved, and then quickly kissed you on the cheek before both of you went to your classes.

Tyler Lockwood-
Tyler loved kissing your lips. He felt like it was the easiest way of showing his affection towards you. He could quickly kiss you and he could give you a passionate kiss. He would sometimes kiss you in the hallways, during his football games, when you guys were with friends, he would just kiss you whenever he wanted to honestly

You were at one of his games with Elena and Bonnie when they called for halftime. Both teams came back to the sidelines for a quick break. Tyler saw you and immediately ran up to you and places a quick but sweet kiss to your lips. You smiled as he pulled away and ran back to his teammates who were teasing him for it but he didn't care and neither did you

Alaric Saltzman-
Alaric loved kissing your nose. It was something he could quickly and without people noticing. Not many people knew about your relationship and neither of you were ones that wanted the whole world to know about you guys so you tried to keep it on the down-low.

You guys would be passing each other in the grille. Both of you were with your friends who didn't know about you guys so when no one was looking, he quickly pecked you nose which caused you to scrunch it which he loved that reaction. He smiled at you and both of you quickly went back to acting like you didn't know each other

Enzo St John-
Enzo was a flirt and everyone knew that. He loved kissing behind your ear as no matter what he always got a reaction out of you when he did it. He noticed how sensitive you were all throughout your neck. One day when you guys were having a make out session, he started kissing your neck and as soon as he got to the back of your ear, you immediately moaned and became bright red. He was shocked but immediately he smirked when he noticed that's where he needed to always kiss you

You were at the grille, you were just sitting there playing on your phone, minding your own business when you felt someone kiss you behind your ear. You gasped and immediately became red as you turned around to see a smirking Enzo. You let out a raspy chuckle and he wrapped his arms around you. He kissed you behind your ear again and smirked again as he felt the warmth from your face, warm his chest

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