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This is a request for idobegay

It's been a while since you've heard from your girlfriend Rebekah. She's been busy dealing with her brothers problems but you really missed her.

You decided you would drop in and see her and hopefully spend some time with her.

You arrived to the mansion and knocked on the door. Hayley answered and allowed you in after hugging you. Hayley was the reason you and Rebekah actually are together. She told you that Rebekah was up in her room so you thanked her and headed to her room

When you walked in, you saw Rebekah sitting on her bed, looking through a book of ways to possibly bring Marcel back. The whole family was devastated when they found out what happened to Marcel. Yes they had their problems with him but Klaus treated him like a son and of course him and Rebekah had history which multiple times she told you was in the past. They all wanted him back and you didn't blame them.

You walked and sat down next to Rebekah. She was too busy trying to find a way to bring him back to even notice that you were sitting down next to her. You gently nudged her which spooked her as she didn't even notice you were there so she quickly looked to her side and noticed you

"Hey Bexs" you said after she had calm down
"Hey" was all she said as she then kissed you, then got back to work trying to find a way to bring Marcel back

You laid down and watched her for about an hour when you started to get bored.

"Hey bexs you've been working on this for all day and who else knows how long so how about we order some food and watch a mov-" you didn't even get to finish when Rebekah snapped at you

"Omg Y/N do you ever shut up? I've been working on this as I need to bring Marcel back. He's very important to us! To me! I need him back! What don't you understand about that?!" She snaps and it shocks you but at the same time it broke your heart that she would be so invested into trying to bring her past love back instead of spending time with her current love, you.

"Okay I know he's important to you. You always tell me. But what about me? Is he so important to you that you would throw me away just to bring him back? Look I know I'm just a weak human and he's a vampire and he can give you so much while I can't but you always told me he's a past love but I don't think that's the case. You know what focus on bringing him back because I won't be here anymore to bother you or to ever see you again. I doubt you would be this invested into bringing me back if I ever die" you say and quickly walk out of her room and the house before anyone could stop you

You drove home while receiving texts from Hayley asking what happened and if you're okay but you ignored them. You arrived home and quickly went into your room. You just sat on your bed not doing anything. You didn't cry, you didn't scream, you didn't do anything as you were still in shock about what just happened when you looked at a picture of you and Rebekah and that's when you started crying

You held the picture close to your chest as you cried. You laid down against the pillow as you cried.

You went downstairs to do what normal do when they break up with their significant others or get broken up with. Eat ice cream and watch sad movies and shows to cry all you want

You sat down on the couch, eating the ice cream when someone knocked on your door. You groaned loudly and opened the door to see Hayley. You smiled and she hugged you as she noticed more tears starting to come down your face

She didn't say anything, she just sat down on the couch, hugging you as she knew you needed it. You pulled away and looked into Hayley eyes

"I love her Rebekah but she's so focused on bringing Marcel back to the point that she snaps at me while all I wanted to do was hang out with my girlfriend? I thought I meant at least something to her but now I know it's Marcel always have been and always will be for her" you say as you mess with your ice cream with your spoon

Hayley looks at you. She noticed that you truly were upset and broken at the thought that Rebekah loved Marcel more than you. She put her hand over your hand. She then got up and opened the door, you thought she was leaving but when a certain blonde haired vampire walked in, you realized she had brought Rebekah with her

Hayley shares a look with Rebekah and then leaves, leaving you with Rebekah. You don't say anything as you look away and start eating your ice cream. Rebekah sighed and slowly walked to sit next to you on the couch. She just stared as she watched you have the ice cream. She noticed every single detail about your face. She noticed the tears, the tear marks, your red cheeks, your red and puffy eyes. It broke her heart to see you like this and because of her

"Y/N...I'm so sorry that I snapped at you. Yes Marcel means a lot to me but you mean so much more to me. You're right, I was too focused on bringing him back and I'm so sorry. You mean the whole world to me. You're the reason I want to stay a vampire so that I can protect you and I don't need you to be a vampire like Marcel. I don't want this life for you. I will always protect you and I really hope you can forgive me" Rebekah says as she gently lifts your chin up so that your eyes can look into hers

Your heart and cheeks immediately felt warm by her words. You couldn't believe that you had doubted her. You just nodded your head and hugged her. She sighed out of relief and hugged you back tight, but not tight enough to hurt you. She gently pulled away and kissed you

She stayed the night with you. You guys just order some food and watched some movies and shows while talking. It made up for the fight and time that Rebekah was busy and didn't make time for you. You loved the original vampire with your whole heart and she loved you just as much and vowed that day to always make time for you and to protect you so that no one can take you away from her

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