How you sleep (All)

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Damon Salvatore-
You guys only slept in the same way ever since you guys actually got together. Damon loved cuddling but of course he would never admit it. He would sometimes sneak in your room even when your parents were home, just to cuddle. You loved it. You loved whenever you woke up to feeling Damon's arms around you. Damon again would never admit it but not only did it make him feel relaxed but it made him feel loved.

It was a restless night for Damon. He just couldn't close his eyes. He decided he had enough so he got dressed and headed to your house. When Damon climbed into your room, he saw that you were already asleep. He climbed in as quietly as he could before cuddling you from behind. He allowed his face to cuddle into the back of your neck as the vampire finally fell asleep himself. You were surprised but content to wake up to see your face in your boyfriend chest

Stefan Salvatore-
Stefan loved cuddling. That's how you guys always slept whenever you stayed with him or he stayed with you. He would cuddle with you any chance he could. You guys could be watching a movie with friends and he would bring you into his arms. When you spent the night with him, it wasn't any different. You guys didn't spend the night together much as Damon was always home and always bringing in girls and neither you nor Damon wanted to hear that. Damon also creeped out you and was always looking at you.

You were sitting in your room, finishing homework when you heard a knock come from your door. You looked up to see Stefan. You smiled and instantly got up to hug him tight. You then sat back down and picked up your books as Stefan sat behind you. As soon as you packed your books up, Stefan immediately took you into your arms with your back to his chest and his arms wrapped around your front. You leaned into him and from the exhaustion of all the schoolwork you had and the comfort of being in Stefan's arms, you immediately fell asleep and woke up to Stefan handsome face as he was still asleep.

Jeremy Gilbert-
Due to you having strict parents, you're never allowed to even spend the night at Jeremy's. Even if you are just going there to spend the night with Elena. So you guys don't actually sleep together.

However, every night if you guys were not busy, you guys would FaceTime each other and fall asleep on FaceTime so that at least you knew the other was there even if you guys weren't physically together

Tyler Lockwood-
When you and Tyler would either take a nap together or go to sleep at night together, you guys never cuddled. Tyler didn't like it and really neither did you as you guys liked to have your own space. However, Tyler likes to at least have you touching him in some way so that he knows your still there which normally means sleeping on his arm

You and Tyler were getting ready for bed. You both laid down on opposite sides of the bed and started to watch tv. During the movie you guys were watching, Tyler moved his arm so that your head was laying on his arm. Of course you fell asleep first and Tyler kissed your forehead before falling asleep himself. Even if to others it wasn't a lot for you guys to sleep, it was enough for you guys and it worked well

Alaric Saltzman-
Ever since you guys had/adopted the twins Josie and Lizzie, your sleeping was now 4 people. It would start with you and Alaric putting the girls to sleep. You would read to them, kiss their heads and leave the door for them to sleep. You and Alaric would instantly fall asleep as soon as you hit the mattress.  You loved the girls with your whole heard but dealing with them and your job was very hard and it was hard on Alaric as well.

During the night, your door was opened to Josie walking in as you guys were in the middle of a thunderstorm. Josie didn't want to bother you guys and thought she could get over it but clearly it wasn't going to be ending soon so she got up and came to you guys. She shook you awake, sobbing as she told you she couldn't sleep because of the thunder. You smiled and let her in. She immediately cuddled into her dad as he opened one eye to see Josie. You smiled and closed your eyes again but they opened as you heard the sobbing coming from Lizzie who was now making her way into your room. She explained that a huge thunder woke her up and she got scared as she didn't see Josie. You let her climb in as well as she cuddled into you. You guys fell asleep that night all together. Now it's always you 4 even when it's not thundering

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