When they're jealous (TVD)

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Damon Salvatore-
Damon was very protective of you and everyone knew that. That's why many enemies always went after you. Damon easily got jealous even if he knew they were only a friend which was aggravating for you but you knew he never wanted to lose you after Katherine and then after Elena.

Your best friend from your previous town had come to visit you so you've been spending time with him but you always told Damon whenever you guys were going out. Damon trusted you no matter what but he didn't trust that guy

His name was Cole and he helped you when you came to your old town so he meant a lot to you but not the same way as Damon did.

You guys went to the grille together and were having fun when you thought of Damon. Cole asked you about your guys relationship and you told him how you guys met and everything but of course keeping out the fact that he was vampire.

After a few hours, you decided to visit Damon to see him. You arrived at the boarding house and knocked. Elena opened it and smiled at you. She let you in and told you that Damon was in his room.

You went up the stairs and let yourself into his room.

"Damon!" You said and ran into his arms. He hugged you back but it didn't feel right so you pulled back and asked him what was going on

"What's going on with you and that Cole guy?" He asks looking into your eyes

"Damon, he's my friend from my old town. He doesn't like me and I don't like him. He's engaged. He asked me about our relationship today and I told him how in love I am with you." You say looking into his eyes

He smiled and let out a sigh of relief. He brought you back into his arms and you cuddled your face into his shoulder.

Stefan Salvatore-
Stefan never liked feeling jealous. He always wanted you to know that he trusted you but it was hard around certain people like this brother.

After Elena left Stefan for Damon, Stefan couldn't find it himself to trust anyone until he met you so when you guys started dating, he was going to keep you from Damon so that he didn't lose another person to Damon.

Even though Damon had Elena, he liked to flirt with you just to piss off Stefan which it did every single time.

After a day at school, you and Stefan made your way back to the boarding house. When you guys walked in, Stefan needed to get changed so you stayed downstairs while Stefan went upstairs to get changed. You were busy on your phone when Damon walked in. He saw you and smirked

"Hey Y/N, here for me? I knew you would come around" he says as he walks towards you
"No Damon I'm down here waiting for Stefan so leave me alone" you say and turn away to head upstairs to Stefan

Damon reaches out and grabs your wrist in his hand and as you try to get your wrist out of his grip, he tightens and you wince in pain. Next thing you know Damon was pushed away from you and Stefan had him by his neck up against the wall

"You need to back off Damon. You stole Elena from me and now that I have the real love of my life, I'm not gonna let you take them away from me" Stefan says as his vampire face shows

You put your hand on Stefan's shoulder and he turns around and you pull him away from Damon and head upstairs.

You put your hands on his face as the veins under his eyes disappear. You lean in and kiss him as he wraps his arms around your waist.

Jeremy Gilbert-
Jeremy was really jealous of only one person and that person was Tyler. After Vicki liking Tyler, he was worried that would be the same fate with you but you've showed how much you love him but that still hasn't gotten rid of the jealous he feels when he sees Tyler looking at you or talking to you

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