Hayley Marshall Imagine

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This is the continuation of the Preference "Running your/their fingers through your/their hair"

You had always loved Hayley. How could you not? She was beautiful and fierce but many things came in your way of trying to tell her. First Klaus, Then Elijah, then Jackson, and then Elijah again. You couldn't tell her as you didn't want to be heartbroken

You always wanted to keep your feelings for Hayley a secret as you were worried about it getting to her. The only people that knew were Klaus and Rebekah. You told Rebekah about it but Klaus noticed the way you looked and acted around Hayley so he immediately knew and he of courses teases you about it but he doesn't do it to upset you

You were invited to the Mikaelson Ball as you were very close with the Mikaelsons and they counted you as family. You decided to come with Stefan. You and Stefan were just friends and since neither of you had a date for the ball you decided to go with each other.

You wanted Hayley to ask you or you ask her but you found out from Klaus, not wanting you to get your hopes up told you that she was going with Elijah. Even though it hurt you would deal with it as long as she was happy.

You and Stefan walked in hand in hand. You saw Elijah and Hayley smiling in the corner and it broke your heart. Stefan noticed your sad look so he distracted you by bringing you to the dance floor. You were so thankful for Stefan in that moment.

As you were dancing with Stefan, you looked at Hayley and Elijah who were just whispering but from your perspective, it looked like they kissed. You stopped dancing with Stefan as tears started forming.

You apologized to Stefan and ran out of the mansion, The Mikaelsons and Hayley watching you with worry as you run out waiting to cry

Without knowing, Hayley asked Rebekah and Klaus what happened and Klaus had enough of you being hurt because of Hayley, told her about your feelings just because he was hoping if she loved you back, you would be happy and if she didn't then you would move on. He was tired of seeing you so heartbroken and upset

You rush into your room and remove what you were wearing and break down crying. You felt stupid as you thought you had a chance with Hayley. It was stupid of course she would only love Elijah.

You laid down, crying yourself to sleep

The next morning you woke up to someone running their fingers through your hair. You of course thought it might've been Stefan or Elena or Caroline or Bonnie so you just groaned and pushed the hand away. You moved back to your original spot in bed and when you did, the hand came back and ran their fingers through your hair again.

You looked up at the person and looked into the eyes of the girl who has your heart, Hayley.

You rolled your eyes and pushed her hand away, getting up. She was confused and hurt so she looked at you. You looked at her and crossed your arms over your chest

"What do you want?" You ask coldly. Hayley flinched at your tone as normally you're very sweet to not only her but everyone else
"I saw you run out of the mansion and I was worried but I knew you were sleeping so I decided to wait until now to see you" she said and even though she made your heart flutter you couldn't handle the heartbreaking scene of Hayley and Elijah. It wouldn't leave your mind

"Don't act like you care." You say and turn away
"What do you mean? Of course I care Y/N, why wouldn't I?" She asks getting up and grabbing your shoulder to turn you around

"Really!? You care then why haven't you ever notice the way I look at you? I look at you like you're my whole world because you are Hayley! I have been in love with you for so long and I'm tired of it. I loved you even during Klaus, Elijah and Jackson. I was hoping one day it would be me but I guess that's never happening so now it's awkward and I don't want to see you anymore so please leave" you finally snap and say as tears stream down your face

"Y/N.....I do love you-" Hayley starts but you cut her off

"No! Don't! I saw you and Elijah last night. You guys were so happy, laughing and dancing and you guys kissed so please go be with him I'll be okay." You say, your tone getting softer the longer you talked

Hayley gently grabs your face in her hands to get you to look into her eyes

"Y/N. I don't know what you saw but we didn't kiss. He whispered something to me but I guess where you were looked like we kissed but I promise we didn't. I love you too. You've always been there for me no matter what. I was terrified to tell you because I don't want you into this supernatural business as it's dangerous. I know enemies will come after you but now that I know you love me back. I'm not letting you go or anything hurt you." She says and brings you into her eyes as you smile, hugging her back

"Oh by the way, Klaus told me about your crush on me as he was tired of seeing you hurt. He cares about you" Hayley says and you smile and look into her eyes

She looks back into her eyes as if she was staring at her future which to her she was. She leaned in and kissed you as you kissed her back. She gently grabbed your hand and brought you back to bed as she knew with you crying you needed more sleep so you cuddled into her side and placed your head on her chest as she ran her hand up and down your back

You were happy now and made a mental note to thanks Klaus the next time you saw him

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