Dark Josie Part 2 (Feat Hope and landon)

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It's been 2 months since Y/N died from her/his/their injuries from being stabbed and 2 months since Josie allowed the darkness to take over

Hope and everyone else had been stressed out, not only trying to find a way to bring their Josie back but also trying to figure out who killed Y/N

Landon has been acting weird since Y/N's death

He leaves the room anytime someone mentions her/him/them and he also doesn't even like anyone remembering all the happen times Josie and Y/N had. Which to everyone one else was weird as they all thought he shipped Josie and Y/N

"Hope can I talk to you?" Hope heard Landon ask from behind her so she turned around to face him and smiled at him

"Yeah what's up?" Hope asked sitting down on her bed as she gave all of her attention to Landon.

She noticed that Landon looked nervous for whatever he was about to tell her and it worried her but before she could even get a word out, Landon interrupted her

"I know you're going to hate me for this but I need to tell you this. I cheated on you....with Alyssa... (sorry just thought of someone random) and Y/N found out and I got mad because not only was she/he/they were going to tell you but I wanted Josie before her/him/them but she/he/they got Josie....so I killed her/him/them..." Landon says looking down

Hope just sat there shocked. Not only did he cheat on her with her enemy but he killed her best friend!

"Don't talk to me ever again! You killed my best friend! You're the reason Josie is trying to kill basically everyone and allowed the darkness to take over! And you cheated on me with my enemy Landon!"

"Don't talk to me ever again! You killed my best friend! You're the reason Josie is trying to kill basically everyone and allowed the darkness to take over! And you cheated on me with my enemy Landon!"

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She screamed and ran outside to the lake where Y/N was stabbed

She looked over to a tree

(Pretend that's your name)

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(Pretend that's your name)

They allowed her to carve her mothers name into a tree and after Y/N's death she did the same thing, She just did her/his/their name below her moms

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