Chapter 61

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Lisa kissed Jennie feverishly. She felt her hand gripping, almost hurting her scalp as the brunette under her pulled their heads together with strength. It was the second time she tasted her, and she had already noticed this habit of her, the desperate need to keep contact with the Thai's mouth and tongue.

It was weird, she thought, as she didn't remember having been kissed by anyone this way, and she wondered if it was just due to Jennie not having a lot of experience when it came to this type of interaction.

She tried to pull away just a little bit, wanting to switch to a more lip oriented exchange, but Jennie was faster, immediately pressing herself and entering the taller girl's mouth yet again. She heard a disapproving growl coming out of her, almost scolding her for what she had tried to do. And Lisa gave in, not without suppressing a smile at the unexpected dominance exerted on her.

They had been laying down on the bed for maybe ten minutes, when the latter finally decided to disconnect their mouths, saliva coating her red lips as she was now panting loudly. She brought one of her hands to her face, covering her eyes. It almost looked like she was crying from Lisa's perspective, who instantly took that said hand and brought it back at her head. Without missing a beat, she plunged at her neck, placing delicate kisses right under her ear.

"Pretty commanding for one's second time." She half-whispered, in hopes of toning down the overwhelming moment they had just shared.

"You smell so good..." Jennie only responded, still sounding entranced.

And that made Lisa laugh.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she made a move to pull away, which was instantly revoked as the brunette brought her hands to her nape to keep her close, taking a deep inhale against it.

"Just stay here." She half commanded, half pleaded. Wrapping her arms around the Thai and allowing herself to simply focus on her scent, while the latter shifted more comfortably, now completely laying on her, enjoying the feeling of the brunette's pounding heart against her own chest.

It was fascinating to Lisa how both Jennie's inner and outer personas clashed and mixed during times like this, her assertive side guiding gestures that reflected a very delicate and almost childish fragility. Her purest desires, when released, always seemed to be led with an iron fist and personality that only left Lisa to wonder what their relationship was going to look like, from their casual and innocent moments to their intimate and sexual interactions.

She felt a fire in her chest as soon as those thoughts entered her mind, a surge of craving making her way throughout her body. She redirected her lips to the smaller girl's neck, letting her teeth sink into the burning flesh.

"Lisa-" Jennie instantly reacted, her breathing picking up the pace again.

But the dark blonde didn't answer, tongue tracing the length of her cervical muscle, slowly making its way down. She heard a breathy moan coming out of the throat she was now attacking, and her eyes immediately opened, desire turning her gaze into a predatory one.

Good thing Jennie couldn't see them, she thought, certain the latter would probably freak out as to what kind of things they would tell her were going to happen.

She raised slightly, disconnecting their chest as the smoothly started to bend her knee toward the brunette's center-

Knock knock.

She froze and felt Jennie gasp.

Next thing she knew, she was on the floor as the smaller girl jumped out of bed, visibly in panic as she tried to rearrange her hair and clothes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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