Chapter 1

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Food ? meh. Oh, nature maybe ? No way, she had never left Bangkok back in Thailand. What about fam-

"Okay stop now." sighed Lisa as she got up from her bed. One hour. One entire hour that she had spent making a list about things she was going to miss from her native country. Everything was going so fast; it had been only thirteen hours since she had left for Korea and she had just arrived to her new apartment in Seoul. She needed to take a break.

Lisa wasn't the type of person who would sit to think about her life. Some might even state it was an understatement to say that she was the type of person to think at all. And with those people, Lisa wouldn't dare to disagree. How could she ? Lisa was the epitome of the saying "Trust your guts". She had been living like that for the past twenty years and it had been -kind of- fine so far. Don't misunderstand though; Lisa was far from being stupid. From what her parents used to say, she was the child with the most potential in the whole family, if not the whole country. A charismatic genius, gifted with a huge talent for rhetoric and manipulation. Too bad she wasn't docile to their wishes. Following rules wasn't part of Lisa's way of life, at least not when those restrained her in any way she didn't like.

The fact that the girl needed a pause to think was sign that her life was going through some big changes, to say the least. Moving to another country alone was a big challenge, especially for someone who had never traveled in their life. It was her parent's offer to send her to Seoul. They thought that it might calm her down and that she would eventually come back to the family after having experienced the outside world completely by herself. Lisa had accepted only because she had seen a chance to run away from any responsibilities and expectations her mom and dad had from her.

But now, she had other things to worry about. Like college. Lisa never went to a public school, she received all her knowledge through the instructors of the family and from her parents.

She started unpacking her things.

It was about 9pm when she was completely ready. She felt like home. She headed to the door and as soon as she was out, she took a long breath. Closing her eyes, inhaling oxygen... and exhaling it through her mouth. She took a look at the view she had on the campus of the university and a mischievous smirk started growing on her lips.

"Oh, this is going to be fun."

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